

时间:2016-02-01 栏目:留学资讯 关注度:

Personal Statement,有时也称Statement of Objectives/Statement of Purpose 或Study Plan(学习计划,侧重点略有不同)。主要用于描述个人的背景、申请目的、研究方向等信息,是留学申请材料中较重要却也比较难把握的部分。

下面这篇留学个人陈述范文是我们为大家挑选整理出的带有中文的个人陈述范文,留学个人陈述中文范文并不多,希望对大家的留学申请有所帮助。 【个人陈述格式和要求】


Veterinary Background

Changing the bandage on an angry bulldog’s paw or trimming the hooves of a 2000-pound draft horse can be an intimidating venture. Curing animals requires compassion, precision, and confidence; it is also an excellent way to learn about practicing medicine and to feel the satisfaction of helping someone in need. Due to my rural background, knowledge of animals, and love of science, I began working for a local veterinarian at a young age. Later in life, when I decided to become a physician, I saw that my veterinary experiences had prepared me well for a career in health care.

When I started volunteering in an emergency room, I learned that humans really aren't so different from other animals -- I needed to show my compassion in order to earn their trust before I could heal or comfort them. When a child or widow brought me their dying pet and pleaded for me to cure it, I had to soothe the person as well as the animal. I used this calm compassion in the emergency room when comforting the family of a father who had just suffered a heart attack, or when talking with a husband frantic about his wife’s car accident. I saw further similarities between human and animal medicine when I shadowed Dr. Harry Williams in his family practice. I saw that his close relationship with his patients led him to keep thinking of them long after his office closed for the day. Likewise, as a veterinary technician, I had often carefully considered how to help each animal. Compassion is truly a prerequisite for any career in health care.

In my work with animals, I learned that perseverance is key to successful treatment. Interruption of that treatment can lead to disastrous results. In many rural communities near my home, I witnessed the consequences of the absence of consistent medical care. As a farrier, I have worked in many old-order Mennonite communities whose needs aren’t being met: when one client's daughter injured her hand in a corn sheller, she was unable to get medical care because facilities were far away and no doctors could come to their farm. The girl’s hand was infected and not healing well. I did what I could, but I was troubled that I didn’t have the expertise to treat the injury. On my next visit, I saw that her hand had grown deformed. Had she been able to see a physician more frequently, her hand might have healed correctly. Encounters of this kind have revealed to me the consequences of medically underserved communities. I look forward to working toward a solution to this problem when I am a physician.

A good veterinarian operates with precision. I have applied the careful, exacting skills I learned with animals to my lab work. I am currently involved in research on corneal endothelium with Dr. Carson Kennedy. In the lab, we study mammalian corneal cells; eventually, we would like to describe and prevent ophthalmic diseases such as glaucoma. Through this work, I have honed my scientific skills and sharpened my analytical mind. It is exhilarating to catch a glimpse of valuable knowledge, not yet known by anyone, which has the potential to help many people. It is also very rewarding to know that I have contributed to the advancement of medicine by providing research results that will improve people’s health.

Perhaps the most important quality required to practice human or animal medicine is confidence. In the lab, in the emergency room, and in the field, I have had many opportunities to observe the importance of confident leadership to a medical practice. Over the years, I have observed that the best veterinarians and physicians handle each issue swiftly and appropriately, delegating tasks to others with self-assurance. In every medical situation, someone must take the lead role while working to manage the team. Leadership roles have always come naturally to me -- I spent twelve years working toward becoming an Eagle Scout and helping my younger brother to do the same. The composure I gained as a troop leader helped me to excel in my role as supervisor at a large walking horse farm. Since then, I have grown into leadership roles that required more significant responsibilities. I am comfortable as a leader because I am confident in my ability to ensure the health and safety of others. The leadership skills I have developed will be a vital part of my work as a physician.

When I began working as a veterinary technician, I did not fully realize that the skills I gained would be so applicable to my eventual career as a physician. Yet my experiences with animals have provided me with an excellent foundation to continue my studies of human health and well-being. I am eager to develop the medical knowledge I have gained thus far in order to become the kind of physician my community will be able to rely on.



我们看一下这篇文章的结构: 【如何写好个人陈述】














好的PS不在于文章的形式,不在于内容怎么写,不在于开头怎么写,没有一个定式,没有一个模板,没有一个套路。但是核心是一样的,体现我专业的深度,或能力。那么怎么把你的文章组织好,用一个很好的线串联起来。逻辑思维的体现。切记简历试PS,你有没有这样的想法?有,必要改正。 【评估申请条件】



When a pod of 55 pilot whales recently beached themselves on a stretch of Cape Cod, vacationers and beach-goers came to the rescue. By high tide, they managed to save 46 whales. In explaining his motivation for jumping in to help, one volunteer simply answered, “Life.” The same purpose inspires my ambition to become a physician.

Medicine appeals to my deep appreciation for human life, inculcated by studying man as both a human being and biological machine. The decision to practice stems from a perpetual fascination with science combined with this basic love for life. I grew up capturing insects and watching PBS, always questioning the complexities of how the body works. Through academics and medical research, I have begun to answer this question.

My passion for knowledge of the inner workings of the human body led to proactive involvement in medical research, enriching my view of medicine as well as nurturing the desire to continue research endeavors throughout my medical career. For the past two years, I have studied the relationship between structural damage and preserved clinical function in multiple sclerosis patients through functional MRI, under the tutelage of Drs. Cranston and Mahoney. Although unsure how these two factors correlate, we hypothesize that a critical period exists when the brain undergoes reorganization. In a concurrent study, I am investigating the role of the pelvic veins in cryptogenic stroke, funded through a grant awarded by the American Heart Association. The objective is to determine, via MRV, whether the pelvic veins are the source of thrombolytic emboli in cryptogenic stroke patients who also harbor a patent foramen ovale. The results of these studies not only will contribute to the advancement of medicine, but may also hold therapeutic benefits for those afflicted with such neurological damage.

The rewards of medical research lie in its practical application, and there is no better place to observe the miracle of life than in the NICU. Each day, newborns struggle to survive, illustrating the inherent advancements and limitations of medicine. I have witnessed preemies, from 24 weeks of gestation and on, live and die. Exposure to patients revealed that people are much more than collections of cells and organs -- we all share the special gift of life. My role in helping to care for them abounded with both challenge and joy.

My first patient, Baby S, arrived nine weeks prematurely and spent the first month of life in the NICU. Due to the presence of an extrachromosomal fragment, he suffered slight mental retardation. His mother, who had the same condition, visited infrequently during his hospital stay. When she did, her visits were brief and inattentive. I grew quite fond of Baby S, often watching him snuggle into the blankets like a small burrito. Although his sky blue eyes moved in a spastic manner, they gave life to his somewhat immobile body. He rarely showed signs of discomfort, whether hungry or needing a change. I tried to give him the extra attention he lacked. At times, he rewarded my efforts to interact with a smile; other times, he gave me a dirty diaper.

Reflecting on my experiences, I realize that the practice of medicine entails more than remembering and dispensing scientific facts. It requires exercising both mind and heart, along with a genuine respect for life. Baby S and my other NICU patients instilled in me a sense of how precious life is, and I am certain that my current EMT training and planned medical mission to southeast Asia will reaffirm my conviction to improve the lives of others.

The career of a physician will allow me to balance an intellectual curiosity with my desire to help those in need. By helping man at his best and his worst, combining a passion for life with the pursuit of scientific knowledge, I can help heal and comfort others. I eagerly anticipate a vocation in which my patients fuel my search for knowledge, and that search embodies reciprocal benefits to my patients. When asked why I have chosen a medical career, I can confidently respond, “Life.”



1、主题思想: 【个人陈述写作规范】










前不久,55头巨头鲸在位于科德角的一段海滩上搁浅了,周围正在度假的人们以和行人都纷纷前去解救。 在涨潮的帮助下,他们得以解救了46头巨头鲸。别人问起,究竟出于什么动机使得你们去解救这些鲸时,其中一个志愿者简单的回答道:“因为生命”。是的,同样是因为这个原因,使我想要成为一个医生。


对于人体内部结构运作方式的热忱,使我全身心地投入了医学研究中,在这期间丰富了我对于医学的眼界,同时也更坚定了想要投身医学从而不断的作相关研究的决心。在过去的两年中,我通过运用MRI,对大量肝硬化病人做了研究,学习了结构损伤以及临床性防御机构,在Cranston 教授以及 Mahoney 教授的指导下,尽管对于这两个因素是如何关联的还不清楚,但目前的猜测是大脑在危急时刻所进行的信息重组。在最近的研究中,我研究了在遭受不明原因的撞击后骨盆腔静脉会有所变化,研究所用的基金是来自美国心脏协会的资助。目的是用来研究,对于遭受过不明撞击并且是卵圆孔未闭的患者来说,是否骨盆腔静脉是造成溶血栓栓赛物的原因。这些研究的结果不仅对于医学进步做出了贡献,并且很大程度上使遭受此类神经性损伤的患者造福。





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