Universityof Southern California, Los Angels (综合排名24)(Marshall School of Business)
项目:Master of Accounting
该项目是一个全日制形式、长达一年的项目,据Public Accounting Report排名,该项目排名全国(美国)第四。【定制留学专属规划,提高名校入读机率】
Tuition &Fees
2010-2011 Academic Year
Tuition and Fees |
$42,461 |
Coursework (TOTAL: 10 Courses)
?2; 4Accounting Courses (includes Accounting Ethics)
ACCT 585: ProfessionalResponsibilities in Accounting
ACCT 530: Ethics forProfessional Accountants
ACCT 546: Auditing andassurance Services or ACCT 557: Advanced Financial Statement Auditing Topics
ACCT 547: EnterpriseInformation Systems or ACCT 549: Advanced Enterprise Systems and Technologies
?2; 1Communication Course【定制留学专属规划,提高名校入读机率】
?2; 3 AccountingCourses
ACCT 526: Global AccountingExperience
ACCT 535: Management Accountingand Control Systems
ACCT 537: PerformanceMeasurement, Evaluation, and Incentives
ACCT 546: Auditing and AssuranceServices
ACCT 559: Strategy and OperationsThrough CFO Lens
ACCT 560T: Tax Theory and Ethics
ACCT 574: Accounting in theGlobal Business Environment
ACCT 580T: Tax Accounting Methods
ACCT 581: Financial StatementAnalysis
ACCT 582: Mergers andAcquisitions
ACCT 583: Income Tax Accountingand Auditing
ACCt 584: Family WealthPreservation
ACCT 587: Forensic Accounting
?2; 2 Floating Electives
Application Deadlines截止日期
Dec 1: EarlyDeadline
Jan 10: FinalDeadline
* 强烈建议奖学金申请者在Early Deadline之前提交申请。【定制留学专属规划,提高名校入读机率】
Summer Applicants夏季申请
申请时必须在本科大学修完或正在修以下课程:Introduction to Financial Accounting金融会计入门
Micro or Macroeconomics宏、微观经济学
Statistics (business preferred)统计学
Fall Applicants秋季申请
Introduction to Financial Accounting金融会计入门
Micro or Macroeconomics宏、微观经济学
Statistics (business preferred) 统计学
Intermediate Accounting I中级会计I
Intermediate Accounting II中级会计II
Cost or Managerial Accounting成本会计或管理会计
U.S. Federal or Corporate Taxation美国联邦税务或美国企业税务
Advanced Accounting
Corporate Finance
1. 对于国际申请者,不管你的本科专业是什么,你只能申请夏季入学,且一旦被录取,必须参加Summer Intensive Program。
2.强烈建议申请夏季的学生尽量赶在Early Deadliine之前提交申请。
Application Checklist申请清单【定制留学专属规划,提高名校入读机率】
Online Application
Prerequisite Coursework
Official Trans (GPA: 3.0/4.0)
Personal Statement
2 Letters of Recommendation(必须网推)
Interview (by invitation)
Application Fee ($85)
Proof of Financial Support资金证明
Class of 2013
Enrollment |
160 |
MAcc |
110 |
MBT Full-time |
50 |
Male |
52% |
Female |
48% |
International Students |
23% |
Countries Represented |
10 |
Average Age |
24 |
Age Range |
20 – 35 |
GPA Average |
3.5 |
GMAT Average |
650 |
TOEFL Average (iBT) |
108 |
Undergraduate Schools Represented |
90 |
Students from outside of USC |
77% |
Undergraduate Major |
Accounting |
48% |
Business Administration / Finance |
19% |
Social Sciences / Humanities |
15% |
Economics |
14% |
Other |
4% |
Universityof Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (综合排名24)【定制留学专属规划,提高名校入读机率】
项目:MS in Accounting
Cost of Attendance
Cost of Attendance |
2013-2014 In-State |
2013-2014 Out-of-State & International |
Tuition and Fees |
$29,100 |
$35,220 |
Tuition |
$25,558 |
$30,996 |
Program Fee |
$1,000 |
$1,000 |
University Fee |
$2,392 |
$3,074 |
Commerce Activity Fee |
$100 |
$100 |
Student Activity Fee |
$50 |
$50 |
Books and Supplies |
$2,500 |
$2,500 |
Living Expenses |
$16,300* |
$16,300* |
Insurance |
$2,574 |
$2,574 |
Tracks & Courses
FinancialReporting and Assurance Track【定制留学专属规划,提高名校入读机率】
Required Courses
GCOM 7310 Strategic Business Advising and Communication
GCOM 7320 Accounting Policy
GCOM 7340 Special Topics in Financial Reporting
GCOM 7400 Leading for Success in the Accounting Profession
Choose Three of the Following Five Courses
GCOM 7330 Enterprise Risk Management
GCOM 7341 Accounting for Derivatives
GCOM 7480 Legal Liability and the Regulation of Accountants
GCOM 7350 Special Topics: Auditing
GCOM 7371 Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation
Choose One of the Following Four Courses
GCOM 7410 Tax Research
GCOM 7430 Taxation of Partnerships and Flow-Through Entities
GCOM 7440 Taxation of Corporations and Their Shareholders' Transactions
GCOM 7420 Business Strategy and Taxes
Two Approved Electives
Tax Consulting Track
Required Coursework
GCOM 7310 Strategic Business Advising and Communication
GCOM 7320 Accounting Policy
GCOM 7400 Leading for Success in the Accounting Profession
Four Tax Courses
GCOM 7410 Tax Research
GCOM 7430 Taxation of Partnerships and Flow-Through Entities
GCOM 7440 Taxation of Corporations and Their Shareholders' Transactions
GCOM 7420 Business Strategy and Taxes
Three Approved Electives
International Accounting Experience【定制留学专属规划,提高名校入读机率】
这是弗吉尼亚McIntire商学院开设的独特的国际会计课程,在春季授课。期间,学生将去往Ireland(长达一周时间),与Irish学生一起通过case study的上课形式学习会计,了解复杂多变的社会、经济和文化因素对全球商业的影响。
Special Topics in International Accounting covered include:
International business issues
International financial accounting
Tax incentives
Irish culture
Conflict resolution
Application Deadline截止日期
Apply By Decision Communicated By
Round1 Sept. 15 Oct. 15
Round 2 Oct. 15 Nov. 15
Round3 Nov. 15* Dec. 15
Round 4 Dec. 15 Jan.15
Round5 Jan. 15** Feb. 15
Round 6 Feb. 15 March 15
Round7 March 15 April 15
1、* Recommended deadline for internationalapplicants currently studying outside the United States(学校建议的国际生申请截止日期)
3、1月15日前递交了网申及其他相关材料的学生将在4月一定数额的经济资助通知。(Those who applyto the M.S. in Accounting Program by the Jan. 15 deadlineand also submit all required materials to the University of Virginia's Office of Student Financial Services willreceive by April an estimate of their financial aid package to be awardedto them for the 2013-2014 academic year. )
A strong basic foundation in accounting asindicated by completion of the following prerequisite coursework已修以下课程
IntermediateAccounting I
IntermediateAccounting II
U.S. FederalTaxation
Application fee $75
Proof of Financial Support(录取提交,金额至少$60,422)
MS inAccounting Class of 2013 Profile
Class Size:56
Financial Reporting & Assurance Track |
74% |
Tax Consulting Track |
13% |
One-semester track (McIntire undergrads only) |
13% |
Gender |
Male |
45% |
Female |
55% |
Residency U.S. citizen/permanent resident |
63% |
International |
37% |
Academic Profile GPA mid-80% range |
3.26-3.83 |
GMAT mid-80% range |
570-680 |
Wake Forest University,Winston-Salem, NC (综合排名27)【定制留学专属规划,提高名校入读机率】
项目:Masterof Science in Accountancy (MSA)
学生在来自800多所学校的CPA参考者中,维克森林大学商学院的通过率及综合平均分在美国排名第一。根据Public Accounting Report排名,该项目在全美排名28。
MSA包括10个月(2 学期)和18个月(3学期)两种,共需修30学分。完成该项目的课程后,学生将能很好地应对CPA考试。
* 两学期与三学期的区别在于三学期项目在第二学期开学时有一个带薪实习机会。学校也强烈建议学生选择三学期项目。(* The difference between the two and threesemester options is the inclusion of a paid busy season internship during thebeginning of the second semester for the three semester option.The three semester option ishighly recommended.)
2013-2014Tuition & Fees
Program |
Tuition |
Living Expenses |
Books/ Supplies |
Required Fees |
Health Service Fee |
Total |
MS in Accountancy (10-month program) |
$44,200 |
$19,000 |
$2000 |
$505 |
$364 |
$66,069 |
MS in Accountancy (18-month program) |
$66,300 |
$28,500 |
$2500 |
$757 |
$546 |
$98,603 |
Tracks& Courses
ACC 710-Professional Research and Communication
ACC 711-Accounting for Derivatives and Financial Instruments
ACC 712-Business Combinations and Multinational Corporations
ACC 721-Strategic Cost Analysis
ACC 731-Federal Taxation of Corporations
ACC 790-Professional Ethics and Current Issues
BUS 762-Business Law for Accountants
Assurance Services Track
ACC 750-Forensic Accounting
ACC 754-Advanced Auditing and Assurance Services【定制留学专属规划,提高名校入读机率】
Tax Consulting Track
ACC 730-Tax Research Methods
ACC 732-Selected Topics in Taxation
ACC 733-Tax Policy and Planning
ACC 735-Mergers Acquisitions and Buyouts
Transaction Services Track
ACC 782-Business Analysis and Valuation
FIN 5110-Advanced Financial Management OR FIN 5620-Capital Markets and Institutions
ACC 735-Mergers Acquisitions and Buyouts
ACC 691-Professional Accounting Internship
ACC 716-Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting
ACC 736-Tax Aspects of Financial StatementPresentations
ACC 760-Negotiations
Any course in another track listed above
Approved School of Law and MBA classes
ApplicationAvailable:August 15
ScholarshipDeadline*:scholarships still available
EarlyApplication Deadline:November 1
FinalApplication Deadline**:May 1. Applications are still being considered.
EnrollmentBegins:Fall (August) 2013
* ScholarshipDeadline: We will continue to consider those who apply after the scholarshipdeadline for awards as long as funding is available.
** Final Application Deadline: The MSA program willcontinue to accept applications from accounting majors only after May 1. (Non-accounting majors arerequired to take pre-requisites at Wake Forest, which begin in May.)
1. Deposit Deadline
Admit Day |
Deposit Due Day |
MSA Deposit* |
Before December 31 |
January 17 |
$500 |
January 1 – March 31 |
4 weeks after admission |
$500 |
April 1 – June 30 |
2 weeks after admission |
$500 |
After July |
1 week after admission |
$500 |
* 如果用信用卡支付订金的话,需要支付15.7美元的手续费。
2. Deposit Extension
The Admissions Committee will grant a two-weekdeposit deadline extension, no questions asked. A second extension request oradditional time requests (more than two weeks) will need to go to theAdmissions Committee.
Principles of FinancialAccounting 金融会计原理(offered in a mini term during the second half of May)
Intermediate Accounting I 中级会计I (offered in the Summer Isession)
Intermediate Accounting II andIntroductory Tax中级会计II、税务导论 (offered in the SummerII session)
此外,作为re- or co-requisites,申请者还需要修以下本科课程:
Principles of Finance金融原理(offered in the Summer I, Falland Spring sessions)
Principles of ManagerialAccounting管理会计原理(offered in the Summer II, Fall and Spring sessions)
本科成绩单:在审理的过程中,可能会要求成绩认证(WES Basic或WES ICAP)
Required Essay (Written or Video)
For WrittenEssay: 500字以内,问题是:Why are you interested in a graduate businessdegree from Wake Forest University? How will this degree help you achieve yourshort-term and long-term professional goals?(学校会用Turnitin for Admissions authenticity software检测文章是否抄袭)
For VideoEssay:3分钟录像,说明“Whyyou are a good fit for the MS in Accountancy program at the Wake ForestUniversity Schools of Business”
Optional Essay(网申时提交)
Discussanomalies that exist in your application or things that may be potentialconcerns to the Admissions Committee.
Online application 网址:
Application fee $100 non-refundable
Required Essay(网申时提交)
CV (网申时提交)
TOEFL /PTE (Pearson Test of English)
Classof 2103 Profile【定制留学专属规划,提高名校入读机率】
Class Size:114
GMAT Average:648
GPA Average:3.5
Women: 46%
UnderrepresentedGroups: 11%
African American
Hispanic American
Native American
College/Universities Represented: 57
Appalachian State University
Bucknell University
Clemson University
Davidson College
Furman University
Florida State University
Michigan State University
Syracuse University
UNC-Chapel Hill
University of Virginia
University of Georgia
Vanderbilt University
Wesleyan University
College of William & Mary
Wofford College
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