
2017US news美国商学院研究生top100雅思分数条件

时间:2016-08-18 栏目:留学资讯 关注度:


2017年US News商学院(研究生)部分名校雅思分数要求
排名 中文名称 英文名称 国家/地区 雅思分数要求
1 哈佛大学 Harvard University Boston, MA Harvard Business School:
* MBA: 7.5
2 斯坦福大学 Stanford University Stanford, CA Stanford Graduate School of Business:
* Master of Business Administration:
2 芝加哥大学布斯商学院 University of Chicago (Booth) Chicago, IL MBA & PhD: 7, with sub scores of 7 each.
4 宾夕法尼亚沃顿商学院 University of Pennsylvania(Wharton) Philadelphia,PA Warton Business School: Please consult the school.
5 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology(Sloan) Cambridge,MA Sloan School of Management:
* Ph.D. Program: 7.0 (Prefer IELTS)
5 西北大学 Northwestern University(Kellogg) Evanston, IL Kellogg School of Management:
* Ph.D. Program: 7.0
* MBA: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
7 加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校 University ofCalifornia— Berkeley (Haas) Berkeley, CA Haas School of Business: 7.0
8 达特茅斯大学 Dartmouth College (Tuck) Hanover, NH Tuck School of Business: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
8 耶鲁大学 Yale University New Haven,CT School of Management:
*MBA: not required
*MAM: 7.0
10 哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University New York, NY School of Business: Accepted, please contact school for score
11 弗吉尼亚大学 University of Virginia (Darden) Charlottesville,VA Darden School of Business: 7.0
12 杜克大学 Duke University(Fuqua) Durham, NC Fuqua School of Business:
Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
12 密歇根大学安娜堡校区 University of Michigan—AnnArbor (Ross) Ann Arbor, MI Ross School of Business: * Global MBA: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
14 康奈尔大学 Cornell University (Johnson) Ithaca, NY Johnson School of Management: * Full-Time MBA:7, and 7.0 in the speaking and writing modules
* PhD Programs: 7.0
15 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校 University of California—Los Angeles(Anderson) Los Angeles,CA Anderson School of Management:
* MBA: 7.0
* Master of Financial Engineering: 7.0
* EMBA: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
* Global EMBA for Asia Pacific: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
* Fully Employed MBA: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score. * PhD: 7.0
16 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) Chapel Hill,NC Kenan-Flagler Business School: Accepted, please contact school for score
16 得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 University of Texas—Austin(McCombs) Austin, TX McCombs School of Business: * MBA: Accepted, please contact school for score * MPA: 7.5
* MSBA: 7.0
* PhD in Finance/ Management: 6.5
18 卡内基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University(Tepper) Pittsburgh, PA Tepper School of Business:
* MBA/ Master in Computational Finance: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
19 埃默里大学 Emory University(Goizueta) Atlanta, GA Goizueta School of Business: 7.0
* Full-time MBA: 7.0
* Evening MBA: 7.0
20 纽约大学 New YorkUniversity (Stern) New York, NY Stern School of Business: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
21 圣路易斯华盛顿大学商学院 Washington University in St.Louis (Olin) St. Louis, MO Olin Business School: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
22 乔治城大学 George town University(McDonough) Washington,DC McDonough Business School: 7.5
22 印第安那大学 Indiana University(Kelley) Bloomington,IN Kelley School of Business:
* Full-time MBA Program: 7.0
22 范德堡大学 Vanderbilt University (Owen) Nashville, TN Owen Graduate School of Management: Accepted, please contact school for score
25 莱斯大学 Rice University(Jones) Houston, TX Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business: Accepted, please contact
school for score
25 圣母大学 University of Notre Dame (Mendoza) Notre Dame,IN Mendoza School of Business:
* Master of Business Administration/
MS in Business Analytics/ MS in Accountancy: Accepted. please contact school for detailed score.
27 俄亥俄州立大学 Ohio State University (Fisher) Columbus, OH Fisher College of Business:
* Full-time MBA: 7
* MBA for Working Professionals:
Please consult the school
* EMBA: Please consult the school * PhD/ MACC/ MHRM/ SMF:
Accepted, please contact school for detailed score. * MBLE: 7.5
27 明尼苏达大学 University ofMinnesota—TwinCities (Carlson) Minneapolis,MN Carlson School of Management: * MBA: a minimum overall band score of 7.0, with no section lower than 6.5.
* PhD: 7.0
* Master of Accountancy/ Master of
Arts in Human Resources &
Industrial Relations/ : 6.5
*Master of Science in Business
Analytics/ Finance/ Supply Chain Management: 7.0, with no section lower than 6.5.
27 华盛顿大学福斯特商学院 University of Washington (Foster) Seattle, WA Foster School of Business:
* Full-time MBA: 7.0
* Evening MBA: 7.0
* GEMBA: 7.0
* Master of Professional Accounting:
* TMMBA: 7.0
* PhD: 7.0
* Master of Science in Information
Systems/ Master of Supply Chain
Management: 7.0
27 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 University of Wisconsin—Madison Madison, WI Wisconsin School of Business:
* MBA/PhD: 7.5
31 杨伯翰大学 Brigham Young University(Marriott) Provo, UT Marriott School of Management: 7.0
* MBA: 7.0 (minimum band score of
6.0 in each module)
31 德克萨斯A&M大学 Texas A&M University—College Station (Mays) College Station, TX Mays Business School:
*MBA/ MS Finance/ Business/
Management: 7.0
*Other programs: 6.0
31 南加州大学 University of Southern California(Marshall) Los Angeles,CA Marshall School of Business: * Ph.D. Program: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.)
* Master of Management Studies/
MS in Entrepreneurship and
Innovation/ Marketing/ Business Administration: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.) * MS in Business Analytics: 6.5 with no band score less than 6 * MS in Finance/Master of Accounting/Master of Business Taxation: 7.5, with at least 6.5 on each section. * MS in Medical
Management/ Global Supply Chain
Management/ Social
Entrepreneurship/ Business for Veterans: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
34 佐治亚理工学院商学院 Georgia Institute of Technology(Scheller) Atlanta, GA Scheller College of Business: Please consult the school.
35 亚利桑那州国家大学 Arizona State University (Carey) Tempe, AZ W. P. Carey School of Business: 6.5
35 密歇根州立大学 Michigan State University (Broad) East Lansing,MI Broad College of Business: 7.0
37 佛罗里达大学 University of Florida (Hough) Gainesville,FL Hough Graduate School of
37 德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 University of Texas—Dallas Richardson,TX Jindal School of Management: 6.5
39 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳―香槟分校 University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign Champaign, IL College of Business:
* Most programs: 6.5 with a score of
6 or higher in all sub-sections * MS in Financial Engineering: overall score of at least 7.0 with at least a 6.0 in all subsections
* MS in Business Administration: 7.0
39 罗切斯特大学 University of Rochester(Simon) Rochester, NY Simon School of Business:
Accepted, please contact school for score
41 波士顿大学 Boston University(Questrom) Boston, MA School of Management: A minimum of 6.5 across each band
41 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Pennsylvania State University—University Park(Smeal) UniversityPark, PA Smeal College of Business:
* Master of Business Administration: 7.0
* Master of Professional Studies in
Supply Chain Management: 6.5 * MAcc: Accepted, please contact school for detailed scored.
41 天普大学 Temple University(Fox) Philadelphia,PA Fox School of Business:
* Specialized Master's Program: 7.5
* Ph.D.: 7.0
* Online MBA: 7.5
41 马里兰大学帕克分校 University of Maryland—College Park(Smith) College Park,MD Robert H. Smith School of Business:
* PhD: 7.0
* MBA/ Specialized Master's Program: 7.0 (Reading: 7.0,
Listening: 7.0, Writing: 7.0,
Speaking: 6.5.)
45 加利福尼亚大学 University of California—Davis Davis, CA Graduate School of Management:
* MBA (FT):7.0
* Master of Professional
Accountancy: 7.5
45 爱荷华大学 University of Iowa(Tippie) Iowa City, IA Henry B. Tippie School of Management:
* Master of Accountancy/ PhD in Finance/ Marketing: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.)
* MBA: 7.0, minimum sub-score 6.0
47 普渡大学 Purdue University—West Lafayette(Krannert) WestLafayette, IN Krannert School of Management: 7.5, with 7.0 required per each section
48 南卫理公会大学 Southern Methodist University (Cox) Dallas, TX Cox School of Business:
* Full-time MBA/ MS in Finance: 7.5
(No subscore below 7.0.)
48 加利福尼亚大学欧文分校 University of California—Irvine (Merage) Irvine, CA The Paul Merage School of
Business: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.)
50 波士顿学院 Boston College(Carroll) Chestnut Hill,MA Carroll School of Management: 7.5
51 乔治·华盛顿大学 George Washington University Washington,DC School of Business: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.)
* MS in Finance: an overall band score of 6.5 on the academic IELTS with no individual band score below 5.5
52 北卡罗莱纳州立大学 North Carolina State University(Jenkins) Raleigh, NC Jenkins Graduate School of Poole College of Management:
* MBA: 7.5
* Master of Global Innovation Management: 6.5 (Listening: 6.5, Reading: 6.5, Writing: 6.5, Speaking:
* Master of Global Luxury
Management/ Master of Accounting:
6.5 (Listening: 6.5, Reading: 6.5,
Writing: 6.5, Speaking: 6.5.)
53 罗格斯大学 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—Newark and New Brunswick Newark, NJ Rutgers Business School: Most RBS programs require a score of a 7 on the IELTS.
53 阿拉巴马大学商学院 University of Alabama(Manderson) Tuscaloosa,AL Manderson Graduate School of
Business: 6.5
55 佐治亚大学 University of Georgia (Terry) Athens, GA Terry College of Business:
* MBA: 7.0
* Master of Marketing Research: 8
* Master of Accountancy: 7.5
55 匹兹堡大学 University of Pittsburgh (Katz) Pittsburgh, PA Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business and College of Business Administration:
* Master of Business Administration:
* Executive Master of Business
Administration: 7.0
* Specialized Masters: 7.0
57 贝勒大学 Baylor University(Hankamer) Waco, TX Hankamer School of Business:
* Full-time MBA: 7.0
* MSIS/ MSEco : 7.0
57 东北大学 Northeastern University Boston, MA D'Amore-McKim School of Business: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
59 密苏里大学 University of Missouri(Trulaske) Columbia, MO Trulaske, Sr. College of Business:
* MBA/ DBA: 6.5
* PhD in Accountancy: 5.5
60 巴布森学院 Babson College(Olin) Babson Park,MA Graduate Admissions: 7.0
60 亚利桑那大学 University of Arizona (Eller) Tucson, AZ Eller College of Management: 7 (with no lower than a 6 in any section) * Master of Accounting: 7 (no subject area below a 6.5)
62 路易斯安那州立大学 Louisiana State University—BatonRouge (Ourso) Baton Rouge,LA E. J Ourso College of Business:
* Flores MBA Program: 6.5
*MS in Economics
63 德克萨斯基督教大学 Texas Christian University(Neeley) Fort Worth, TX Neely School of Business:
* Full-time MBA: 7.0
63 阿肯色大学 University of Arkansas—Fayetteville(Walton) Fayetteville,AR Sam Walton College of Business:
* Master's Programs: 6.5
* PhD. Programs: 6.5, a minimum of
7.0 on the speaking section
63 辛辛纳提大学 University of Cincinnati(Lindner) Cincinnati, OH Lindner College of Business: 6.5
63 俄克拉荷马大学 University of Oklahoma (Price) Norman, OK Michael F. Price College of
Business: 7.0
63 田纳西大学 University of Tennessee—Knoxville(Haslam) Knoxville, TN College of Business Administration: * Full-time MBA/ Master of Science in Business Analytics/ PhD in Business Analytics: 7.5
* Master of Science in Human
Resource Management/ PhD in
Economics/ Finance: 6.5
68 杜兰大学 Tulane University(Freeman) New Orleans,LA A.B Freeman School of Business: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
* Master of Accounting: 7.5
68 康涅狄格大学 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT Graduate School of Business: Accepted, please contact school for score
68 迈阿密大学 University of Miami Coral Gables,FL School of Business Administration:
* MBA/ Specialized Masters: 7.0
71 凯斯西储大学 Case Western Reserve University(Weatherhead) Cleveland, OH Weatherhead School of
Management: Accepted, please contact school for score * Master of Accountancy: 7.0
71 威廉与玛丽学院 College of William and Mary (Mason) Williamsburg,VA Mason School of Business:
* Full-time Master of Business
Administration: 6.5
* Master of Accounting: 7.5
* Master of Science in Business
Analytics: 7.0
71 爱荷华州立大学 Iowa State University Ames, IA College of Business: 7.0
* Master of Information Assurance:
71 南卡罗来纳大学 University of South Carolina(Moore) Columbia, SC Moore School of Business:
* MBA/ International Business/
Master of Arts in Economics: 7.0 * Master of Accountancy: 7 on each section
*Master of Human Resources: 7.5
75 路易斯维尔大学 University of Louisville Louisville, KY College of Business: 6.5
75 马萨诸塞大学 University of Massachusetts—Amherst(Isenberg) Amherst, MA Isenberg School of Management: 8
77 加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校 University of California—SanDiego (Rady) San Diego,CA Rady School of Management:
* MBA: 7.0
* Ph.D.: 7.0
77 科罗拉多大学波尔得分校 University of Colorado—Boulder (Leeds) Boulder, CO Leeds School of Business:
* MBA admissions: 8
* Master admissions: 8 * Doctoral Program: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
79 德保罗大学 DePaul University(Kellstadt) Chicago, IL A 7.0 on the IELTS with all section scores at 6.5
79 犹他大学 University of Utah(Eccles) Salt Lake City,UT David Eccles School of Business: 7.0
*Master of Science in Finance/
Information Systems: 6.5
81 查普曼大学 Chapman University(Argyros) Orange, CA Argyros School of Business and Economics: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score
81 纽约州立大学布法罗分校 University atBuffalo—SUNY Buffalo, NY School of Management:
* Professional MBA: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.)
* Executive MBA: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.)
* Full-time MBA: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.)
* Master of Science: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.)
* Ph.D. in Management: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.)
83 福特汉姆大学 Fordham University(Gabelli) New York, NY Gabelli School of Business: 7
83 佩珀代因大学 Pepperdine University(Graziadio) Malibu, CA Graziadio Business School:
Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
85 巴鲁克学院商学院 CUNY Bernard M.Baruch College(Zicklin) New York, NY Zicklin School of Business: 7.0
85 罗彻斯特理工学院 Rochester Institute of Technology(Saunders) Rochester, NY Saunders College of Business: 7.0
85 雪城大学 Syracuse University(Whitman) Syracuse, NY Whitman School of Management: 7.0
88 纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校 Binghamton University—SUNY Binghamton,NY School of Management:
*MBA: 7.0
*PhD.: 7.5
88 圣路易斯大学 St. Louis University (Cook) St. Louis, MO John Cook School of Business:
* One-year MBA: 6.5
* Evening MBA: 6.5
88 堪萨斯大学 University of Kansas Lawrence, KS School of Business: 6.0. No subscore below 5.5
91 霍华德大学 Howard University Washington,DC School of Business:
*MBA: 6.0-6.5
92 休士顿大学 University of Houston (Bauer) Houston, TX Bauer College of Business: 6.5
92 肯塔基大学 University of Kentucky (Gatton) Lexington, KY Gatton College of Business:
*MBA/ PhD Programs: 6.5
*Accounting Master Programs: 7.0
92 密西西比大学 University of Mississippi University, MS School of Business: Please consult the school.

美国常见的申请截止时间为10月15日、11月1日、11月15日、11月30日、12月1日、12月15日、次年1月1日及2月1日,有些学校只有一轮,有些学校到次年5月份截止,也有个别学校采取rolling的方式。一般说来,文商科的申请会较多集中在10、11月份,而理工科相对晚些,截止日期分布在12月-2月,集中在次年1、2月份。(点击查看具体的美国名校申请截止时间:2017年美国TOP100顶尖大学申请截止时间表 )因此,为了最大程度把握申请主动权,建议小伙伴们尽早准备,赶在申请的最前线。

以上是美国前100名大学的雅思录取条件,如果你有任何留学方面的问题,欢迎【点击此处】进行询问或拨打免费热线 400-618-0271 进行询问,我们将免费为你解答你的疑惑。











  • 1.适合你的申请时间和方案规划
  • 2.匹配个人条件的软实力提升计划
  • 3.目标院校和专业方向的选择建议





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  • GPA成绩:
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