

时间:2016-08-18 栏目:留学资讯 关注度:

教育类专业是中国留学生赴美留学选择较多的一个专业。一方面,美国各大院校的教育学院教学(特别是美国TOP100教育学院)实力极为出众,绝大部分教育类专业全球领先。另外一方面,美国教育学院有较多的经费向中国留学生提供财政资助或各类奖学金。 但是随着近年来越来越多的优秀学生加入到了美国教育学院的申请行列中,使得美国研究生教育专业的申请竞争越来越激烈,想要申请美国TOP100的教育学院并获得奖学金绝非易事。



2017 年 US News 教育学院(研究生)前 99 名雅思分数要求
排名 大学 地址 雅思分数要求
1 Stanford University Stanford, CA Please consult the school.
2 Harvard University Cambridge, MA Graduate School of
Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
2 Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD School of Education: 7
4 University of Wisconsin—Madison Madison, WI School of Education:
* Educational Psychology:
* Curriculum & Instruction:
5 Vanderbilt University(Peabody) Nashville, TN Peabody College:
* Masters or EDD: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
6 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Graduate School of
Education: 7.0
7 Teachers College, Columbia University New York, NY 7
8 North western University Evanston, IL School of Education and Social Policy: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
* Master in Learning
Sciences: 7.0
8 University of Washington Seattle, WA College of Education: 7.0
10 University of Texas—Austin Austin, TX College of Educaiton:
* Foreign Language
Education/ STEM Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score. * Department of Kinesiology and Health Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
11 University of California—LosAngeles Los Angeles, CA 7
12 University of Michigan—Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI School of Education: Please consult the school
12 University of Oregon Eugene, OR College of Education:
*     PhD/DEd in Educational
Leadership: 7.0
*     Prevention Science: 7.0 * Communication Disorders and Sciences (Ph.D.): 7.0
*     Couples and Family
Therapy: 7.0
*     Counseling Psychology: 7.0
14 Arizona State University Phoenix, AZ Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College:
* Master's and Arizona certification (MAC or InMAC) program: overall band score of at least 6.5 with Speaking and Writing portions needing to be at least 6.5
15 Michigan State University East Lansing, MI College of Education: 6.5 * Master of Arts in Education:
15 New York University(Steinhardt) New York, NY Steinhardt School of Culture,
Education, and Human Development: Please consult the school.
15 University of Kansas Lawrence, KS *     Curriculum and Instruction/
Tesol/ Master in Literacy
Education : 7.0
*     Department of Educational Psychology: 6.0 with no part score below 5.5
*     Early Childhood Unified/
Doctoral Studies in Special
Education:6.5, or at least 6.0 in Listening, Reading, and Writing
18 Ohio State University Columbus, OH College of Education and
Human Ecology: 7.0
18 University of California—Berkeley Berkeley, CA Graduate School of
Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
20 University of Minnesota—TwinCities Minneapolis, MN College of Education: 6.5 overall with 6.5 section
scores for both writing and reading
21 University of Southern California (Rossier) Los Angeles, CA Rossier School of Education:
21 University of Virginia(Curry) Charlottesville, VA Curry School of Education:
23 Boston College(Lynch) Chestnut Hill, MA Lynch School of Education:
Please consult the school
23 University of Illinois— Urbana-Champaign Champaign, IL College of Education: 6.5 with a score of 6 or higher in all sub-sections
25 University of California—Irvine Irvine, CA School of Education: * PhD in Education: An overall minimum score of 7 for admission, with a score of no less than 6 on any individual module
26 University of Connecticut (Neag) Storrs, CT Neag School of Education:
Please consult the school
26 University of Maryland—College Park College Park, MD College of Education: 7 with at least 7 in Listening, Reading and Writing, 6.5 in Speaking.
28 Indiana University—Bloomington Bloomington, IN School of Education: Please consult the school
28 University of Colorado—Boulder Boulder, CO School of Education: 8.0
30 University of Florida Gainesville, FL College of Education: 6.0
30 University ofPittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA Schoo of Education:
*MEd with Specialization in
TESOL / Master of
Education-Foreign Lanuage
Education / Early Childhood
Education/ English and
Communications Education/
Mathematics Education/
General Special Education/
Vision Studies: 6.5
*MEd with TESOL : 7.5
(scores in Speaking and Writing must be combined to reach a minimum of 13) * Doctor of Phylosophy in
Mathematics Education: 7.0 IELTS with sub scores of 6.0 or higher.
* Doctor of Education in
Language, Literacy and Culture: 7.0 IELTS with sub scores of 6.0 or higher.
30 Utah State University Logan, UT School of Teacher Education and Leadership:
* Instructional Technology &
Learning Sciences, Ph.D.& MED& MLTID & MS: 6.0 (and a minimum score of 5 on each subscale)
33 Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA School of Education: 6.5
34 University of Georgia Athens, GA College of Education: overall band-width of 6.5, with no single band (score) below
35 University of Delaware Newark, DE School of Education: 7.0
35 University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC School of Education: 7.0
37 Florida State University Tallahassee, FL College of Education: 6.5
37 Pennsylvania State University—University Park University Park, PA College of Education: 6.5
39 Texas A&M University—College Station College Station, TX Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score
39 University of Nebraska—Lincoln Lincoln, NE College of Education and
Human Sciences: 6.5
41 University of Illinois—Chicago Chicago, IL College of Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
42 Purdue University—West Lafayette West Lafayette, IN College of Education: 6.5
42 University of Iowa Iowa City, IA College of Education: A total IELTS score of 7.0, with no subscore less than 6.0.
42 University ofMassachusetts—Amherst Amherst, MA College of Education: 6.5
45 Boston University Boston, MA School of Education: TESOL program 7.0 overall, for all other programs 6.5 overall.
45 Fordham University New York, NY Graduate School of
Education: 7 for General Test Score, No subtest can be lower than 6.
45 George WashingtonUniversity Washington, DC School of Education and Human Development:
*     Scores between 6.0-7.0 on the IELTS will require an English for Academic Purposes course.
*     Students with the following English-language scores are exempt from taking EAP courses: an overall band score of 7.0 with no individual band score below 6.0.
45 University of Missouri Columbia, MO College of Education:
* Learning, Teaching, &
Curriculum/ Educational, School & Counseling
Psychology/ Educational
Leadership & Policy Analysis/
Information Science & Learning Technologies: 6.5 with 6.0 on each subsection. * Special Education: 7.0 with
6.0 on each subsection,
49 Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA College of Education: Please consult the school.
49 University ofCalifornia—SantaBarbara (Gevirtz) Santa Barbara, CA The Gevirtz School
(Graduate School of
Education): Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
51 George Mason University Fairfax, VA Graduate School of
Education: 6.5
51 North Carolina State University—Raleigh Raleigh, NC College of Education: * Master: Adult, Workforce and Continuing Professional Education/ Digital Learning and Teaching/ Higher Education Administration: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
* Ph.D. in Educational
Leadership, Policy, and
Human Development
(ELPHD)/ Educational
Leadership, Policy, and
Human Development (ELPHD)/ Teacher Education and Learning Sciences (TELS): Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
51 University of California—Davis Davis, CA School of Education: Please consult the school
51 University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT College of Education:
* Department of Special
Education: 7.0 (Master)
* Department of Education,
Culture & Society: 6.5
55 College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA School of Education: 7.0
55 Syracuse University Syracuse, NY School of Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score. * Department of Counseling and Human Services: 7.0
55 Temple University Philadelphia, PA College of Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score. * Doctoral Program in
Educational Leadership/
Disability Studies: 6.5
* Master in TESOL: 7.0
55 University of Arizona Tucson, AZ College of Education: Please consult the school.
59 Georgia StateUniversity Atlanta, GA College of Education: 6.5
59 Tufts University Medford, MA Department of Education:
Please consult the school.
59 University of Kentucky Lexington, KY College of Education: 6.5
62 Loyola MarymountUniversity Los Angeles, CA School of Education: Please consult the school
62 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—New Brunswick New Brunswick, NJ Graduate School of
Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
62 University of California—Riverside Riverside, CA Graduate School of Education: 7 with score no lower than 6 on any individual component
62 University of Tennessee—Knoxville Knoxville, TN Graduate School of
Education: Please consult the school
66 University at Albany—SUNY Albany, NY School of Education: Please consult the school
66 University of Hawaii—Manoa Honolulu, HI College of Education: 6.0
66 University of Vermont Burlington, VT College of Education and Social Services: Please consult the school
69 San Diego State University San Diego, CA College of Education: 6.5
69 University of Miami Coral Gables, FL School of Education:
*Early Childhood Special
Education/ Sport
Exercise Physiology - Ph.D./ Clinical and Applied Exercise Physiology/ Counseling Psychology - Ph.D: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
71 Boise State University Boise, ID College of Education: 6.0
* Departments of Special
Education & Childhood
Studies: 6.5
71 University at Buffalo—SUNY Buffalo, NY Graduate School of
Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
* Department of Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology:
** Library and Information
Studies (LIS)/ Educational
Psychology/ Rehabilitation Counseling: 6.5 overall with no individual sub-score below
*    Department of Educational Leadership and Policy: 6.5 overall with no individual subscore below 6.0
*    Department of Learning and Instruction:
** TESOL/ Ed.D. and Ph.D. Programs: 7.0 overall with no individual sub-score below
** Education Studies: 6.5 overall with no individual subscore below 6.0.
* Department of Library and Information Studies : 6.5 overall with no individual subscore below 6.0
71 University of Massachusetts— Boston Boston, MA College of Education and
Human Development : 6.5 * Early Childhood Education and Care: 7.0
74 Auburn University Auburn, AL College of Education: Please consult the school.
74 Clemson University(Moore) Clemson, SC Eugene T. Moore School of Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
74 University of California—San Diego La Jolla, CA 7
74 University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI School of Education: 6.5
78 Baylor University Waco, TX School of Education: Please consult the school
78 Brigham Young University—Provo (McKay) Provo, UT McKay School of Education: Please consult the school.
78 Iowa State University Ames, IA School of Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
78 University of California—Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA Education Department:
* PhD: 7.0
78 University of Louisville Louisville, KY Please consult the school.
78 University of North Carolina— Greensboro Greensboro, NC School of Education: Please consult the school
78 University of Oklahoma (Rainbolt) Norman, OK Jeannine Rainbolt College of
Education: 6.5
78 University of South Carolina Columbia, SC College of Educaiton: 6.5
78 University of South Florida Tampa, FL College of Education: 6.5
78 Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA School of Education: 6.5
78 Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO Department of Education:
Please consult the school.
89 Kansas State University Manhattan, KS College of Education: * Special Education/ Master of Science in Curriculum and
Instruction/ Doctoral Programs in Adult and Continuing Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
89 University of North Carolina—Charlotte Charlotte, NC College of Education: Please consult the school.
91 University of Arkansas—Fayetteville Fayetteville, AR College of Education and Health Professions: Please consult the school.
91 University of Central Florida Orlando, FL College of Education and Human Performance: 6.5
93 Ball State University Muncie, IN 6.5
93 Montclair State University Upper Montclair, NJ College of Education and
Human Services: 6.5
93 University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH College of Education:
* Doctoral Degrees: 6.5
* Counseling: 6.0
93 University of Maine Orono, ME College of Education and
Human Development: 6.5
93 University of Mississippi University, MS School of Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
93 University of San Diego San Diego, CA School of Leadership and
Education Sciences: 7.0
99 Louisiana State University—Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, LA School of Education: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
99 Loyola University Chicago Chicago, IL School of Education: 6.5
99 Mills College Oakland, CA Graduate Programs in
Education: 7.0
99 Ohio University Athens, OH Patton College of Education:
6.5 across all bands
99 Southern Illinois University— Carbondale Carbondale, IL College of Education and
Human Services: 6.5
99 Towson University Towson, MD College of Education: 6.5 is required, with a minimum of
6.5 in each section
99 University of Colorado—Denver Denver, CO School of Education and Human Development: 6.5 with no subscore below 5.5
99 West VirginiaUniversity Morgantown, WV College of Education and Human Services:
* Department of
Communication Sciences and Disorders: 6.5 (Ph.D/
* Master of Science (M.S.)
Program in SpeechLanguage Pathology: 6.5

就雅思考试来说,绝大多数美国院校认可雅思成绩,一般来说,美国院校的研究生入学要求在6.5 -7分左右,相信通过认真备考,对于大家来说,这并不是个遥不可及的目标。如果现在的你是大三下学期,那么还可以根据自己的情况,再努力提高自己的GPA。(点击查看具体的美国名校申请截止时间:2017年美国TOP100顶尖大学申请截止时间表

以上就是对美国教育学top100大学硕士申请雅思分数要求的介绍,如果你有任何留学方面的问题,欢迎【点击此处】进行询问或拨打免费热线 400-618-0271 进行询问,我们将免费为你解答你的疑惑。











  • 1.适合你的申请时间和方案规划
  • 2.匹配个人条件的软实力提升计划
  • 3.目标院校和专业方向的选择建议





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  • 意向地区:
  • 申请学历:
  • GPA成绩:
  • 托福/雅思:
  • 手机号码:




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