3.表达清晰:能够清晰地表达自己在国内的学习及生活情况,不要过多关注语言或者语法错误。在面试过程中,如果语言表达出现错误也不要慌张,稍作情绪整理后,按照之前的思路继续作答即可; >>英国留学签证面试咨询
1.Why are you taking this course in particular. Why this course and this university 为什么选择这门课?而且是这个学校的这门课?
The British course arrangement is very suitable for me and University of Manchester is my dreamed school for its excellent educational quality and facilities inUK.
2.How many hours a week will you study and how is the course structured. Did you research the course 您将每周学习多少小时?课程设置是什么样的?之前了解过这门课吗?
The course is full time and it is from 10/02/2014 to 30/09/2015. The latest arrival date is 03/03/2014.
3. Will this course lead onto any further study 读完这门课,您是否会继续深造?
I will go back toChinaand find a job in the related work.
4. Why did you decide to study in theuk. Why in the UK and not another country 为什么打算在英国读书。为什么是英国而不是其他国家?
As far as I learn,UKis one of the developed countries all over the world, and it is famous for its outstanding educational system and nurturing academic atmosphere. So I want to study in this excellent country. (也可以根据自己所了解的信息用自己的语言表达)
5. How much are your course fees 您的学费是多少?
10924 pounds and I have paid total fee
6. Who is paying for this course 您的学费由谁支付?
My parents support my study inUK
7.What do your parents do for a living 您的父母从事什么职业? 请根据实际情况作答
8. What will you do once this course is completed 课程结束后,您打算做什么?
9. Do you plan to work inUKafter finishing all your studies inUK? 读完所有课程后您打算在英国工作吗?
10. Did anyone help you with your uni application. 在申请学校的时候,您是否接受过他人的帮助?
11. Will you gain any qualification from this course 课程结束后,您将会取得什么证书? Master degree
12. Who will be your guardian during your study inUK?在英国学习期间谁是你的监护人?(针对18岁以下申请人) >>英国留学监护人要求咨询
13. Will you be travelling alone toUK? 您将一个人前往英国吗?(针对18岁以下申请人)
14. Do your parents agree and support your study plan inUK? 您的父母是否同意并支持您在英国的学习计划?(针对18岁以下申请人)
15.Where will you stay and how far is this accommodation from your school/college 就读期间,您住在哪儿?住的地方离学校有多远?
16. Before the account was opened where was the money 在存入这个账户(注:应该是指担保金账户)之前,钱是在哪里的? 请根据实际情况作答
17. Who put the money into your account 谁往这个账户里存的钱? 请根据实际情况作答
19.Have you understood all the questions? 对于我们的问题,您都清楚吗?
20. Is there anything you would like to add or amend to the interview? 关于我们的面谈,您有什么需要添加或改动的吗?
1.Why did you choose The University of Sheffield?
Answer preparation: Think about why you chose the UK rather than your home country, other English-speaking country or country which other students of your nationality choose to study in. You may find it useful to refer to the university profile our website.
2.Why did you choose your course?
Answer preparation: There may be many courses in the same subject area as the one you plan to study at Sheffield. What is it specifically about the Sheffield course which you prefer and which suits you over other course choices? Think about your decision process. Did you apply for other courses - why did you choose Sheffield over them?
3.How do your studies fit into your career plans?
Answer preparation: Think about what your plans are after you graduate - how will the knowledge and skills you gain from your course at Sheffield University help you with the type of work you hope to do. Does your course lead to any professional exemptions or qualifications and are these recognised in your country? Do you know what others graduating from the course you will be following went on to do eg the types of roles and organisations they work for? If the course you plan to study is at a similar academic level to previous studies, how does it represent progression and does it have a vocational focus? If this is the case, be prepared to explain this.
4.If the costs of pursuing your course of study are higher in the UK than in your home country, why have you decided to incur the extra costs involved with studying in the UK?
Answer preparation: Think about the advantages that a degree from the UK might give you and why you and/or your family are prepared to make this investment. Have you made a realistic assessment of all the costs involved and how you plan to pay for them? These costs include the course fees and living costs, including accommodation.
5. You have previously studied in the UK - why have you chosen to return?
Answer preparation: Think about how the new course relates to previous studies and how it might build on your previous learning. You can also talk about the benefits of your previous course.
6.You have had a long break in your studies, why are you returning to study now?
Answer preparation: Think about how you explain your decision in the context of your long-term career plans. >>英国留学签证面试问题咨询
7. Do you plan to work in the UK?
Answer preparation: You cannot rely on funds from working to pay your course fees and living costs so you need to be aware of this. The main purpose for being in the UK is your studies, so if you do hope to work, think about how this would enhance your academic studies. You also need to demonstrate an understanding of the hours you are allowed to work and typical rates of pay.
8.How will you fund your studies? (you should not be asked this unless you are called back for a second interview)
Answer preparation: The purpose of this question is to check that your funds are genuinely available to you for your studies. As part of your application you will have submitted proof of your finances - ensure that you are very clear about the source and availability of these funds, also how you plan to pay for subsequent years fees if your course is more than a year in duration. If you have official financial sponsorship make sure you are aware of the amounts and exactly what is covered. If you have a loan, how will you afford to pay this back? How much will your accommodation cost and are you clear about the cost of living in the UK?
以上为您简单介绍了英国留学签证面试可能出现的问题及需要注意的事项,一定要提前准备,面试时放松自己,希望您可以成功获取签证留学英国! >>英国留学问题咨询
- 1.适合你的申请时间和方案规划
- 2.匹配个人条件的软实力提升计划
- 3.目标院校和专业方向的选择建议