麦吉尔大学(McGill University),或简称麦吉尔(McGill),学校始建于1821年,坐落在世界最佳留学城市蒙特利尔,是加拿大最古老的高等学府,在国际上享负盛誉,素以严谨的学风著称,被称为“加拿大哈佛”,建筑学硕士课程是麦大建院的王牌学科,无论师资,设备和获奖都是加拿大其他学校望尘莫及的,在全北美和世界上也拥有极高的声誉。中国一些优秀的建筑师,包括老一辈的优秀建筑师里也有麦大建院的毕业生。每年申请麦吉尔大学的学生很多,因此录取比例有限,申请学生也来自世界许多国家。这两年中国学生申请数量不断增加,使得竞争越来越激烈。
A comprehensive e-portfolio (pdf format, max. 15 MB, due no later than January 15) that may include the following:
selected work from all previous design studios examples of project work from other courses
examples of freehand drawing and sketching examples of professional work: sketches,drawings, images of models, photographs of built work (professional work includes work carried out while employed in architects' offices, as well as personal projects; please identify the architect(s) and your own roles in each project illustrated)
Note: Please indicate, where applicable, if a project is an individual or group project.
英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia,简称UBC,又名“卑诗大学”)始建于1908年,是不列颠哥伦比亚省历史最悠久的大学。UBC包含温哥华校区(总校区)和奥肯纳根校区,与麦吉尔大学、多伦多大学并称加拿大大学“三强”,UBC的温哥华校园还被誉为全北美最漂亮的校园,UBC大学的建筑专业Architecture只在研究生阶段开放,如果希望在UBC读书,将来也希望读UBC的建筑硕士,那么本科阶段可以考虑文科专业,如艺术史、视觉艺术,地理与人文地理;或工科专业,如土木工程、综合工程 , 材料工程等,学习期间,要注意选修英语文学和写作、以及自然地理课程,完成60个学分后,有机会申请UBC大学的环境设计本科,该学科的一些核心课程就是建筑学课程,如果可以成功申请该学科,并出色完成该学科,对将来申请UBC大学建筑硕士帮助很大。
You should organize your portfolio into a clear, well-crafted package. The portfolio should have concise, descriptive text on each page to adequately explain the work. If working in collaboration with others, please clearly indicate your contribution to the submitted work. Portfolio requirements differ depending on which degree you apply for:
Your portfolio should demonstrate your ability to conceptualize projects in two and three dimensions through a variety of media. The portfolio may contain drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, installation, printmaking, ceramics, fashion design, and woodworking, as well as other media. Showing your creative process and ability to think conceptually will also provide context for your work.
The intent of the portfolio is to highlight design potential. You should use the portfolio to showcase your interests and accomplishments, and to show how you could contribute to a demanding professional program.
Your portfolio should contain six examples of creative works that demonstrate aptitude, experience, and accomplishment. Instead of providing a collection of one type of work, include a variety of works. Creative works may include a wide range of examples, including design work and planning projects. One example should be a written piece.
Submit at least one and no more than three examples of previous scholarly or creative works. At least one example of writing should clearly indicate research ability and be identified as such.
Most degrees require a physical portfolio. The maximum dimensions are 9" x 12" x 1/2" (or 23 x 30 x 1.5 cm). It must be no more than 20 pages in total (or 10 double-sided) and should be securely bound in some fashion. The portfolio should also have concise, descriptive text on each page to adequately explain the work.
多伦多大学(University of Toronto),始建于1827年,坐落在加拿大第一大城市多伦多,在学术及研究方面,其经费、捐款、国家教授奖项、研究出版规模和藏书量皆为加拿大之首。多伦多大学亦为美国大学协会中仅有的两所非美国学府之一。多伦多大学每年发表的科研论文数量在北美仅次于哈佛大学,引用数量位居世界前五。
Applicants are required to submit a hard copy portfolio only. This should include at least five (5) samples of design work, drawing or work in related fields (including the visual arts, graphic arts, digital media and engineering) which demonstrate creative ability.
The dimensions of the portfolio pages are not to exceed 8 ½ inches by 11 inches (or standard metric A4, 210 mm x 297 mm). There is no restriction as to the number of pages submitted. Applicants are advised that assessments will focus on quality and leadership potential and encouraged to treat the presentation of their portfolio as a straightforward graphic design exercise. Spiral binding is an accepted method of binding. The choice of binding is not considered in the overall evaluation of the portfolio.
Once a portfolio is submitted, it becomes the property of the University of Toronto and cannot be returned. Portfolios will not be recycled from previous application cycles.
In response to the question, what does the Admissions Committee look for in a good portfolio; please see some helpful suggestions from the Chair of Admissions.
What you choose to exclude is equally as important as what you include. Your portfolio will be a process of creating and editing several times before you submit.While a book has limitations, understand and respect those limitations. The portfolio should be able to be opened easily by the committee without injury.Choices of typography, layout, and text are equally as important as the graphics themselves. If you need a long explanatory text, the work may not be strong enough.One well executed drawing can be better than numerous drawings. Be very self-critical about each piece and if it is adding something new.
Not having a design background should not be a limitation. Some of the strongest portfolios have come from those without design training.
Some further tips from the chair at our recent Open House:
Keep it simple. Design the content and consider the sequence. Think about if you want it to be viewed in portrait or landscape. How you choose to present your work is key. The portfolio is an opportunity to show what design might mean for you, especially for those without previous background in a design field. Your portfolio does not necessarily need to show your progression, but rather the best work you have done.
Chronological order may not be the best way to organize your work. If you have any work you wish to include that was completed as part of a team, it is important to credit those involved and indicate clearly your contribution. It is recommended that in the sequence, you start with individual work and place team work closer to the end.
We see all forms of design and art mediums so put your best work whatever it may be in your portfolio.
Please Note:The University of Toronto will be closed from December 21, 2016 to January 1, 2017 inclusive. We recommend sending materials prior to our closure or postponing the use of courier services for any application materials with an expected delivery date during this time. If the item cannot be delivered by December 19, 2016, please wait to send when the university re-opens on January 2, 2017 to avoid items being returned to sender.
Portfolios may be delivered in person at the Daniels Front Desk of 230 College Street during regular business hours.
International Applicants Note: When sending the hard copy portfolio, on the customs information sheet, please be sure to state that the contents of your package is of "No Resale Value." If this is not indicated, portfolios will be returned to sender; Daniels Faculty will not pay for customs dues.
- 1.适合你的申请时间和方案规划
- 2.匹配个人条件的软实力提升计划
- 3.目标院校和专业方向的选择建议