安德森·霍洛维茨基金合伙人说,如今美国科技公司正在抄袭中国同行。《华尔街日报》引述美国著名风投公司安德森·霍洛维茨基金(Andreessen Horowitz)的合伙人陈梅陵(Connie Chan)的话说:Chinese technology companies have long had a reputation of being copycats of Western peers, but U.S. companies have recently begun to return the favor.多年来,中国企业被西方同行称为“抄袭者”,但近来美国的科技公司正在开始“回报”前者。
陈梅陵在《华尔街日报》 举办的“数字直播亚洲”大会上说,现在许多中国的商业模式正被复制到美国。China's internet titans such as Tencent Holdings Ltd. are influencing U.S. startups and majors alike, and many Chinese models are being replicated in the U.S.目前中国的腾讯等互联网巨头正在影响美国的初创企业和大公司,中国的许多商业模式都正被复制到美国。
比如苹果为iMessage添加支付功能就是借鉴了微信的做法:Apple Inc. recently added payment services to its iMessage chat service, taking a page from Tencent's playbook.苹果最近在iMessage聊天软件中加入支付服务,就是“从腾讯的剧本里拿来的一页”。
再比如共享单车:LimeBike, a San Mateo, Calif., upstart, adapted China's dockless bike-sharing model for U.S. consumers.加州圣马提奥的初创企业“LimeBike(青柠单车)”已经对美国消费者提供采用中国无桩式共享单车模式的服务。The company's smartphone-activated bicycles, which use designated public spaces for parking instead of docking stations, were first rolled out by Beijing-based Ofo Inc. and Beijing Mobike Technology Co.这种通过智能手机启用且用后停放在指定公共空间而非停车桩的自行车,最早由总部位于北京的Ofo公司和北京摩拜科技公司等中国企业推出。
中国顶尖共享单车公司开进英国The GPS-tracked “smart” bicycles, which can be locked anywhere and unlocked using a smartphone app, will roll out in the UK on June 29. Mobike said that it would begin with 1,000 bikes and ramp up to meet demand.这种可靠GPS追踪的“智能”单车将在6月29日在英国推广,它可以随处停放并用智能app解锁。摩拜称公司将先推出1000辆,然后根据需求慢慢增加。The company expects to launch in more European cities in the next few months.摩拜计划接下来几个月在更多的欧洲城市推广共享单车。另外,小黄车ofo也开始在英国剑桥和伦敦小范围试推广了。
陈梅陵觉得这是一个好现象:"I love this reversal of what 'China copycat' can mean," she said. "It no longer just means a Chinese company copying the States, it can mean a U.S. company copying China."“我乐见‘中国抄袭’这个词的意义的反转”,她说。“现在它不再仅意味着中国企业拷贝美国公司,还意味着美国公司也在拷贝中国企业。”
美国消费者新闻和商业频道(CNBC)的评论员Arjun Kharpal日前第一次来到中国,参加在上海举行的国际消费电子展(International Consumer Electronics Show,CES)。
这一趟刷新了他对中国科技的认识,危机感油然而生,回来发表了一篇评论文章:中国正褪去它技术抄袭者的形象,美国科技大亨们当警醒。他在文章中说:Over the years, China has picked up an image of being a copycat in technology, creating knock-off products already produced in the U.S or elsewhere. That image is quickly disappearing.多年来,中国给自己塑造的是个科技抄袭者的形象,制造一些在美国或其他地方已有产品的山寨品。但它的这个形象正迅速褪去。作者谈到自己参加CES的见闻,最让他震惊的不是展览上的各种黑科技:On display at CES was everything from smart clothing to drones and the latest innovations from China's biggest technology companies such as Baidu, Huawei, and JD.Com.CES上展出的产品从智能服装到无人机,应有尽有。还有百度、华为、京东等中国最大的科技公司最新的发明创造。What stood out, not just from CES, but from hanging around in Shanghai for a few days, was how far advanced many of China's technology platforms and their consumers are.
作者也说到苹果最近在iMessage中加入的支付功能,其是中国老早就在使用这种功能了。A big deal was made about Apple recently integrating payments into iMessage, or contactless payments via the likes of Apple Pay or Samsung Pay. But China has been leading the way in payments for a long time. 最近大家都在热炒苹果将支付功能引入iMessage,还有Apple Pay、Samsung Pay等无接触式支付服务。但是中国在支付方面早就处在领先水平。Alipay, the service owned by Alibaba affiliate Ant Financial, boasting about 450 million users, is so wide-spread that it was easier to pay via that in many places than card or cash.支付宝,这个阿里巴巴蚂蚁金服旗下的服务,号称有4.5亿用户,它的使用极其广泛,在很多地方用支付宝比用卡或现金都方便得多。Tencent, which owns popular messaging app WeChat, has been running payments in-app for a while, but has many other features including integration with ride-hailing service. It's a one-stop shop for many consumers.还有腾讯,其旗下的聊天软件微信,也开通支付功能好一阵了,它还有其他很多功能比如在线打车等,对很多用户来说,有这一个app就够了。
作者最后提醒世界,要注意这个崛起的国家了:With Chinese tech firms expanding faster than ever beyond their home market, it's time for their rivals across the world to take note.中国的科技公司正以前所未有的速度拓展出国内市场。世界各地的竞争对手们,是时候留心了。香港《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)不久前也刊登了一篇文章,为中国科技公司正名。中国的“山寨”科技公司是如何成为战胜者的。
文章是高风咨询公司创始人谢祖墀(Edward Tse)和商务咨询公司Red Synergy Business Consulting的执行董事Marco Gervasi联合撰写的。Edward Tse and Marco Gervasi say the country, once derided as good only for producing fake products, is today producing leaders in innovation, becoming a model for others to follow.谢祖墀和Marco Gervasi说中国曾被嘲笑只会生产假货,如今却成为创新制造的领导者和他人竞相模仿的榜样。
文章探讨了中国企业如何从模仿者变成创新者:For example, though Alibaba adopted an eBay-like model in its early years, it has gone through so many changes that, today, its business model can best be described as a combination of the models of at least three internet titans – Google, eBay and Amazon.比如说,阿里巴巴在初创时借鉴了eBay的模式,但之后经历了各种变革,如今,它的商业模式可以最恰当地形容为是一个囊括了至少三大互联网巨头的模式——谷歌、eBay、亚马逊。
Another example is Tencent, which launched WeChat in 2011, a simple instant messenger mobile application that gradually evolved into a global “super app”, with one-stop hybrid features of Western models such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Uber, Tinder and others.另一个例子是腾讯,它在2011年推出微信,一个简单的即时聊天手机应用,但它逐渐演变成了一个全球化的“超级app”,一站式地糅杂了西方各种模式,如WhatsApp、Facebook、Instagram、Skype、Uber、Tinder等等。
Tencent now leads in the world in terms of mobile app monetisation. The recent developments of Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Kik Messenger have shown a clear reference of WeChat’s strategy and functionalities.
腾讯现在在移动app货币化方面引领全球。Facebook Messenger、WhatsApp和Kik Messenger最新开发的功能明显借鉴了微信的策略和功能。
Besides Tencent, there are also a number of areas where Chinese companies are ahead of the rest of the world, such as in the emerging industries of internet finance, new social media, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality and intelligent transport. 除了腾讯之外,中国企业在很多方面也走在世界前列,比如新兴的互联网金融、新媒体、人工智能、虚拟现实、增强现实和智能化交通。
文章称这一现象为“反山寨”(reverse shanzhai):In the post-shanzhai era, China will see a proliferation of business models and innovations. Some companies in the rest of the world are beginning to “reference” Chinese companies, especially in the tech sector. We call this phenomenon “reverse shanzhai”.在后山寨时代,中国将见证各类商业模式和创新的激增。世界其他国家的一些公司开始“参考”中国企业,尤其在科技领域。我们称这种现象为“反山寨”。For the first time, Western tech models are being challenged by those from China. And people are beginning to recognise this development.
去年在北京举办的一次科技大会上,Uber的创始人和CEO Travis Kalanick就预计中国五年内将赶超硅谷:Travis Kalanick predicted that in “next five years, there will be more innovation, more invention, more entrepreneurship happening in China, happening in Beijing than in Silicon Valley”.Travis Kalanick预计“未来五年内,在中国、北京诞生的创新、发明和企业家将超过硅谷”。其实这一现象已经在发生了,据《金融时报》报道,去年,中国商品和国际专利申请量已经达到全球第一。In November, China became the first country to secure more than 1m patent applications in a single year — a record the World Intellectual Property Organisation said reflected “extraordinary” levels of innovation.
欧华律师事务所合伙人Edward Chatterton分析称,这是这些中国企业要走向国际的前兆:“What a lot of these businesses are now doing is looking actively at overseas business expansion, and a prerequisite of that is to file for protection of your own brands.”这些企业现在正在积极寻求海外业务拓展,首先就必须为自己的品牌申请保护。
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