强生.威尔士大学(Johnson and Wales University)美国酒店管理专业排名第二
强生.威尔斯大学创校于 1914 年,初期为一所商业学校。而后,以杰出的教学、优良的师资,和完善设施等遍布全美各大校区,进而闻名全球。本校亦是全美少数几个高等教育学府中,替学生未来的事业生涯作准备,并以此为重心的学府之一。设有 47 项学位,包含商业课程( MBA )、烹饪艺术、餐饮管理及教育等,为学生提供良好的就业机会。所有的科系均设有学士、硕士。>>在线咨询美国留学专家
强生威尔士大学 Johnson and Wales University
康奈尔大学(Cornell University) 常春藤八大盟校之一
处于美国东海岸,属于常春藤八大盟校之一的康奈尔大学(C ornell University )的酒店管理专业,在全美排名顶尖。其一年的学费约为3.9万--4.2万美元,托福成绩要求100分以上,另需要提供GMAT成绩。如果你家里经济情况良好且孩子成绩优秀,这是首选的推荐学校。>>在线咨询美国留学专家
专业1:Master of Management in Hospitality (MMH) -12 Months(需要酒店管理相关工作经验)
专业2:Masters of Science at hotel administration
MS candidates will Complete a minimum of 16 courses that the student's Special Committee has decided are appropriate including methods, theory, and application.
Be in residenceat Cornell for a minimum of four semesters.
Prepare a master's thesis , according to the guidelines set forth by the Cornell Graduate School .
Pass the final examination for the master's degree, an oral exam given by the student's Special Committee, covering the student's master's thesis.
Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0
For further information about degree requirements, please refer to the Masters of Science(MS) page in the Student Handbook.
录取要求:The recommended minimum scores are:
·TOEFL minimum score of 100 Internet-based (iBT), 250 computer-based (CBT), or 600 paper-based (PBT)
·Personal interview
GPA:We don't have any. Unlike some colleges and universities, Cornell does not use any single formula for its admission decisions. In fact, the whole process can be very subjective. First and foremost, we look at your high school record, the rigor of your coursework, your grades, and your rank-in-class (don't worry if your school doesn't rank – that's quite common). The personal application you write (essays, extracurriculars, etc.) is also a very important piece of Cornell's selection process. Standardized testing plays a role, but probably not as much as you think. From there, we rely on a lot of tools that can't be quantified: recommendations, for example, and interviews (required for architecture and hotel applicants). Since all of these pieces help inform our decisions, we can't point to any master chart of GPA and test scores and automatically tell you what the decision will be. And frankly, we like it that way, because it allows us to learn as much as we can about each of our applicants.
Learning Goals for the M.S. Degree
The Master of Science (MS) degree is a highly individualized program directed toward students who plan to eventually teach and perform research in a university setting. By the end of the first year of study students will select a Special Committee of graduate faculty members (two for MS candidates), who will guide the candidate in developing a course of study suited to his or her background and interests.
Candidates will develop a broad-based knowledge of hospitality management, learn research methodology including statistical methods and become proficient at in-depth research.
申请截止:Application deadlines
M.S./Ph.D: Feb 1, August enrollment only; M.M.H.: Rolling decisions; see for details.
内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校(University of Nevada,Las Vegas)
内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校新生入学要求,一般大学GPA2.5分,托福80分以上。每年费用相对较为便宜,包括食宿费在内共计25300美元。 申请截止日为2月1日。
普渡大学 Hospitality &Tourism Management
GPA :Equivalent of a GPA of 3.0 or higher
GMAT : 550 score or above
TOEFL :The minimum Internet-based test scores required for admission are the following: Writing 18, Speaking 18, Listening 14, Reading 19, Total 77
IELTS :(International English Language Testing System) 6.5 is required for admission
one year work experience inrelated area or two completed internships (internships must total anywhere between 4-6 months) 要有一年相关工作经验或者两份相关实习经历(4-6个月)
Prerequisite Competencies
Each applicant's transcript will be evaluated individually with regard to competencies. All graduate students are recommended to have completed coursework in the areas listed below, although it is recognized that individual plans of study developed in conjunction with a student's research interests may not require all areas listed below. If a student does not have adequate background for their area of study, they may be asked to take a prerequisite course(s).
·Quantity Food Production
·Business Law
·Food Service or Hotel Management
·Operations Analysis
截止日期:Application Deadlines
申请费:$75 application fee for International Students
可以选择的提供酒店管理的美国大学如下: >>在线咨询美国留学专家
1.Cornell University Master of Management in Hospitality (MMH)
MS and PhD Degrees in Hotel Administration
2.Nevada-Las Vegas, University of Master of Hotel Administration
3.Purdue University Master of Hospitality and toursim management
4.Michigin States University Master of Hospitality Business Management
5.University of Massachusetts-Amherst Master of Science in Hospitality & Tourism Management
6.Johnson & Wales University M.B.A. in Hospitality
7. Pennsylvania State University Hotel Restaurant and Institutional management
8.Florida International University Master of Science in Hospitality Management
9.Deleware, University of Matser of Hospitality infornation management
10.Houston,University Of 241 M.S Hospitality Management
11.Iowa State University 89 Food Service and Lodging Management
12.Virginia polytechnic Institute Master (Ph.D)of Science in Hospitality and Toursim Management
13.University of Wisconsin-Stout M.S Hospitality and Tourism
14.University of South Carolina 108 M.S Hospitality and Tourism
15.Florida State University 102 M.B.A. in Hospitality
16.Kansas State University 130 MS in Foodservice managmment
17.California State Polytechnic M.B.A. in Hospitality
Central Michigan University / / Hospility and service administration
18.Fairleigh Dickinson University, Metropolitan Campus / / Hospitality Management Studies MS
19.The George Washington University / 53 M.B.A. in Toursim and hospitality management
20.New York University / 33 M.S in hospitality Industry Studies
21.Rochester Institute of Technology / / M.S in hosptality-tourism management
22.Roosevelt University / / M.S Hospitality Management
23.Temple University / 151 Master of Tourism and Hospitality Management
24.University of Central Florida / 163 M.S.Hospitaliy and Tourism Management
25.University of Kentucky / 116 Masters of Science Degree in Hospitality and Dietetics Administration
26.University of North Texas / 248 M.S Hospitality Management
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