MA in Town and Regional Planning
秋季学期 第一学期
Students choose: 在以下2个课程任选一个
Spatial Planning Systems (15 credits) 城市规划体系
Covers planning systems at different spatial scales and explores the operation of planning systems, their legal basis and the political context in which planning decisions are made. An innovative 'simulation exercise' will deepen your understanding of the practice of planning.
Urban Design in the Global South (15 credits) 全球南方城市规划
In this module students will explore in detail particular challenges to urban planning and development in the global South: how are conflicting imperatives of ecological sustainability, social inclusion and economic competitiveness being balanced by practitioners, and what implications does this have for those living there?
AND 同时完成以下课程
Perspectives on Spatial Planning and Development (15 credits) 空间规划和发展远景
Focuses on the diverse economic, social and geographical contexts in which planning operates. This will be developed through group and individual work focusing on understanding the diverse contexts in which planners make policies and strategies within a 'real-life' sub-region of the UK.
Values in Planning (15 credits) 价值规划
Looks at planning practice and shows how theory might be used to inform our understanding of it. The professional roles and dilemmas faced by planners will be explored, partly through reflection on a short work placement.
Research Methods (15 credits) 研究方法
Develops core skills essential to undertaking research in planning. Includes grounding in quantitative and qualitative research methods as well as helping understand the types of research carried out and used by planners.
春季学期 第二学期
Students choose: 2个课程里面任意选择一门
TRP6405 Integrated Project (30 credits) 综合项目
This will help apply your recently-acquired knowledge and skills to a real-life planning issue. The project will develop your skills in urban design, policy-making and property development and help you apply these to a real-life scenario. You will be working alongside students from our MA in Property as well as planning professionals to develop your response to a planning problem.
TRP 613 Urban Design in the global South (15 credits) and TRP614 International Field Class (15 credits)
The TRP613 module, which is directly linked to the international field class below, enables students to develop core skills in site appraisal and urban design in the context of developing country cities. Building on your understanding of planning and international development acquired in autumn, it will introduce you to urban design skills and tools for application during the international field class.
Through the fieldclass, a week in Istanbul, the project will develop your skills in site analysis, urban design and policy-making and help you to apply these to real-life urban development and design scenarios. The project will also give you direct contact with academics and students from a partner institution as you develop your understanding of and responses to planning and development problems.
AND 下面课程选2门课
Choice of two option modules (15 credits each) from:
TRP615 Natural Resources Planning 自然资源规划
TRP617 Sustainable Development: A Critical Perspective 可持续发展
TRP618 Transport Planning 交通规划
TRP624 International Real Estate Planning 国际房地产规划
TRP654 Sustainable Development in Practice 可持续发展实践
TRP655 Health, Wellbeing and the Build Environment 健康,幸福和建筑环境
TRP658 Principles of Public Policy 国家政策原则
TRP6013 Cities of Diversity 城市多样化
TRP6014 Cities of the South: Planning for Informality 南方城市:多样化规划
TRP6017 Quantitative Methods 定量方法
TRP6019 Governance and Participation in the Global South Global South 的管理和参与
TRP6211 Issues in Housing 房屋问题
TRP6280 Public Participation 公众参与
TRP6306 Planning Law 规划法
TRP6350 Local & Regional Economic Policy 地方区域经济政策
TRP6360 Regional Policy and Governance 区域政策和管理
TRP6408 Advanced Software Skills for Urban Design 城市规划高级软件技术
夏季学期 第三学期
TRP6406 Dissertation (60 credits) 专题论文
The dissertation will let you explore a topic in detail with the individual guidance of your personal supervisor. It will help you develop specialist knowledge and skills as well as personal, generic and research skills.
Urban and Regional Development
Urban and Regional Dynamics 城市和区域动态
Governing Places 地区管理
Urban and Regional Development in Practice 城市区域发展实践
Urban and Regional Development in Practice 城市区域发展实践
Environmental Management 环境管理
Live Project 实况设计
Environmental Policy and Climate Change 环境政策和气候变化
Planning and Real Estate 规划和房地产
Designing Cities 城市设计
Housing in a Globalising World 全球化房屋供给
Sustainable Food Systems 可持续食物系统
Renewable Energy Development and Planning 可再生能源发展与规划
论文 Dissertation 60个学分
Town Planning MSc
Compulsory modules 必修课
TCP7021 Project I: Spatial Strategies 空间策略
TCP7023 Economics of Development 经济发展
TCP8001 Planning Frameworks 结构规划
TCP8939 Planning, Power and People 规划、能源和人
TCP8099 Dissertation 论文
TCP8902 The Reflexive Practitioner 反思从业者
TCP8034 Planning and Sustainability 规划和可持续性
TCP8911 Research Design 研究设计
LAW8147 Introduction to Planning Law 规划法基础
You will also take one of the following modules in semester 2. TCP8950 MUST be taken if students wish to obtain joint accreditation with RICS and RTPI. TCP8003 MUST be taken if students wish to obtain RTPI accreditation only.
TCP8950 Measurement and Valuation 英国皇家测量协会认证和英国皇家城市规划会认证课程
TCP8003 Engaging with Information Sources in Planning 英国皇家城市规划认证课程
Optional modules 选修课
You will take a further 20 credits (10 in each semester) from the following, but the chosen option MUST be followed in both semesters:
TCP7024 Conservation and the City and 城市保护
TCP8912 Conservation and the City Project 城市项目保护
TCP8917 Regenerating Places and
TCP8918 Regenerating Places Project 可再生地区项目
TCP8921 Globalisation and Social Justice and 全球化和社会正义
TCP8920 Globalisation and Social Justice: Project
TCP8096 Issues in Landscape Planning and Sustainability and
TCP8097 Issues in Landscape Planning and Sustainability: Project 园林规划和可持续问题
TCP8934 Cities, Security and Resilience 城市、安全和重建
Urban Strategies & Design
The programme encourages the adoption of a comprehensive approach towards the delivery of socially sustainable urban transformation, from local-specific to global-regional interventions. You will study the wide and diverse range of social, economic and political processes that influence the development of the contemporary urban environment. The course also seeks to enable you to acquire the tools and skills to propose urban projects of diverse scales and specificities.
Students on the programme come from a range of multidisciplinary backgrounds and work collaboratively to understand how urban design approaches respond to contemporary urban transformations. This analysis is framed not only from a Western perspective but acknowledges that urban transformations in the urban north are increasing interlinked with activities in the urban south. Course pedagogy involves traditional lectures, seminars, excursions and other relevant group activities.
Town and Regional Planning MA
Spatial Planning Pathway A 空间规划方向
Semester One 第一学期
ENVS469: Trends, Outcomes and Impacts (15 credits) 趋势,结果和影响
ENVS432: Theory, Power and Ethics (15 credits) 理论,能力和伦理
Optional Modules (choose 2) 选修课
ENVS411: Spatial Planning Challenges (15 credits) 空间规划挑战
ENVS439: Making Places (15 credits) 地区创造
ENVS529: Techniques in Environmental Planning & Management (15 credits) 环境规划与管理技巧
ENVS536: Urban and Regional Regeneration (15 credits) 城市及区域更新
ENVS563: Geographic Information Systems (15 credits) 地理信息体系
ENVS569: Planning and Property Development (15 credits) 资产发展与规划
Semester Two 第二学期
ENVS427: Making Plans (15 credits) 计划制定
Optional Modules (choose 2 or 3, accounting for 45 credits) 选修课
ENVS459: Implementing and Managing Change (15 credits) 管理变更和实施
ENVS467: Spatial Planning in Action (30 credits) 空间规划实施
ENVS560: Environmental Planning & Management Project (15 credits) 环境规划与项目管理
ENVS584: Urban & Regional Regeneration Project (15 credits)城市和地区可更新项目
Summer 第三学期
ENVS491 Dissertation 60 credits
Urban Design - Pathway B 城市规划方向
Semester One 第一学期
ENVS420: Advanced Urban Design 1 (15 credits) 高等城市规划
ENVS432: Theory, Power and Ethics (15 credits) 理论,能力和伦理
Optional Modules (choose 2) 选修课
ENVS411: Spatial Planning Challenges (15 credits) 空间规划挑战
ENVS469: Trends, Outcomes and Impacts (15 credits) 趋势,结果和影响
ENVS529: Techniques in Environmental Planning & Management (15 credits)环境规划与管理技巧
ENVS536: Urban and Regional Regeneration (15 credits)城市及区域更新
ENVS569: Planning and Property Development (15 credits) 资产发展与规划
Semester Two 第二学期
ENVS463: Advanced Urban Design 2 (15 credits) 高等城市规划
Optional Modules (choose 2 or 3, accounting for 45 credits) 选修课
ENVS459: Implementing and Managing Change (15 credits) 管理变更和实施
ENVS467: Spatial Planning in Action (30 credits) 空间规划实施
ENVS560: Environmental Planning and Management Project (15 credits)环境规划与项目管理
ENVS584: Urban & Regional Regeneration Project (15 credits) 城市和地区可更新项目
Summer 第三学期
ENVS491: Dissertation (60 credits) 专题论文
Spatial Modelling - Pathway C 空间建模方向
Semester One 第一学期
ENVS563: Geographic Information Systems (15 credits) 地理信息体系
ENVS432: Theory, Power and Ethics (15 credits) 理论,能力和伦理
ENVS469: Trends, Outcomes and Impacts (15 credits) 趋势,结果和影响
Optional Modules (choose 1) 选修课
ENVS411: Spatial Planning Challenges (15 credits) 空间规划挑战
ENVS439: Making Places (15 credits) 地区创造
ENVS529: Techniques in Environmental Planning & Management (15 credits)环境规划与管理技巧
ENVS536: Urban and Regional Regeneration (15 credits) 城市和区域的更新
Semester Two 第二学期
ENVS453: Spatial Analysis (15 credits) 空间分析
Optional Modules (choose 2 or 3, accounting for 45 credits) 选修课
ENVS459: Implementing and Managing Change (15 credits) 管理变更和实施
ENVS467: Spatial Planning in Action (30 credits) 空间规划实施
ENVS560: Environmental Planning and Management Project (15 credits) 环境规划与项目管理
ENVS584: Urban & Regional Regeneration Project (15 credits) 城市及区域更新
Summer 第三学期
ENVS491: Dissertation (60 credits) 专题论文
MArch Environmental Design
备注:Architectural design work portfolio must be submitted 要求提供作品集
Core modules 必修课
Masters Studio I – Environmental Design Project I (30 credits) 环境设计项目 1
Advanced Environmental Design (15 credits) 高等环境设计
Masters Studio II – Environmental Design Project II (30 credits) 环境设计项目 2
Case Study Project (15 credits) * 案例学习项目
Dissertation (60 credits) ** 专题论文
Optional (elective) modules 选修课
Architectural Research Methods (15 credits) 建筑研究方法
Sustainable Urban Design (15 credits) 可持续性城市规划
Design, Technology and Materials (15 credits) 设计,技术与材料
High Rise Issues (15 credits) 高层问题
Facade Design and Technologies (15 credits) 外观设计与技术
MArch Sustainable Urban Design
备注:An architectural, planning or landscape design portfolio must be submitted
Sustainable Urban Design (15 credits) 可持续性城市规划
Masters Studio 1: Urban Design Project (30 credits) 城市规划项目
Issues in Urban Design (15 credits) 城市规划问题
Masters Studio 2: Urban Design Project (30 credits) 城市规划项目
Places and Cities (15 credits) 地区与城市
Elective modules (15 credits) 可选择性模块
Dissertation (60 credits)
- 1.适合你的申请时间和方案规划
- 2.匹配个人条件的软实力提升计划
- 3.目标院校和专业方向的选择建议