1. Presbyterian Ladies' College,私立,女校,Burwood区;
2. St Andrews Christian College,私立,混校,Wantirna South区;
3. Burwood East Primary School,公立,Burwood East区;
4. Huntingtower School,私立,混校,Mount Waverley区;
5. Haileybury College,私立,混校,Keysborough区;>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
6. Serpell Primary School,公立,Templestowe区;
7. Beverley Hills Primary School,公立,Doncaster East区;
8. Fintona Girls' School,私立,女校,Balwyn区;
9. Camberwell Grammar School,私立,男校,Canterbury区;
10. Oakleigh South Primary School,公立,South Oakleigh区。>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
1. Burwood East Primary School,Burwood East区;>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
2. Serpell Primary School,Templestowe区;
3. Beverley Hills Primary School,Doncaster East区;
4. Oakleigh South Primary School,South Oakleigh区;
5. Glendal Primary School,Glen Waverley区;
6. Doncaster Gardens Primary School,Doncaster East区;
7. Mount View Primary School,Glen Waverley区;>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
8. Camberwell Primary School,Camberwell区;
9. Balwyn North Primary School,Balwyn North区;
11. Southmoor Primary School,Moorabbin区。
1. Presbyterian Ladies' College,女校,Burwood区;>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
2. St Andrews Christian College,混校,Wantirna South区;
3. Haileybury College,混校,Keysborough区;
4. Huntingtower School,混校,Mount Waverley区;
5. Fintona Girls' School,女校,Balwyn区;
6. Camberwell Grammar School,男校,Canterbury区;
7. Camberwell Girls' Grammar School,女校,Canterbury区;
8. Erasmus School,混校,Hawthorn区;
9. Fitzroy Community School,混校,North Fitzroy区;>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
10. Scotch College,男校,Hawthorn区。
1. Melbourne High School,公立精英男校,South Yarra区;>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
2. Mac.Robertson Girls' High School,公立精英女校,Melbourne;
3. Nossal High School,公立精英混校,Berwick区;
4. Suzanne Cory High School,公立精英混校,Werribee区;
5. Presbyterian Ladies' College,私立,女校,Burwood区;
6. Haileybury College,私立,混校,Keysborough区;
7. Fintona Girls' School,私立,女校,Balwyn区;>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
8. Korowa Anglican Girls' School,私立,女校,Glen Iris区;
9. Camberwell Grammar School,私立,男校,Canterbury区;
11. Scotch College,私立,男校,Hawthorn区
1. Melbourne High School,精英男校,South Yarra区;>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
2. Mac.Robertson Girls' High School,精英女校,Melbourne;
3. Nossal High School,精英混校,Berwick区;
4. Suzanne Cory High School,精英混校,Werribee区;
5. Box Hill High School,Box Hill区;
6. Glen Waverley Secondary College,Glen Waverley区;
7. University High School,Parkville区;>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
8. Balwyn High School,North Balwyn区;
9. McKinnon Secondary College,McKinnon区;
10. Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School,精英混校,Southbank区。
1. Presbyterian Ladies' College,女校,Burwood区;>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
2. Haileybury College,混校,Keysborough区;
3. Fintona Girls' School,女校,Balwyn区;
4. Korowa Anglican Girls' School,女校,Glen Iris区;
5. Camberwell Grammar School,男校,Canterbury区;
6. Scotch College,男校,Hawthorn区;
7. Lauriston Girls' School,女校,Armadale区;
8. Camberwell Girls' Grammar School,女校,Canterbury区;>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
9. St Andrews Christian College,混校,Wantirna South区;
11. Yesodei Hatorah College,混校,Elwood区。
1. Sydney Grammar School,男校,Darlinghurst>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
2. St Aloysius' College,男校,Milsons Point
3. Northcross Christian School,混校,Ryde
4. Abbotsleigh,女校,Wahroonga
5. Arkana College,混校,Kingsgrove
6. John Colet School,混校,Belrose
7. Meriden School,女校,Strathfield>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
8. Sydney Japanese International School,混校,Terrey Hills
9. Knox Grammar School,男校,Wahroonga
10. Ascham School,女校,Edgecliff
1. Matthew Pearce Public School,Baulkham Hills>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
2. Artarmon Public School,Artarmon
3. Carlingford West Public School,Carlingford
4. Hornsby North Public School,Hornsby
5. Woollahra Public School,Woollahra
6. St Ives North Public School,St Ives>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
7. Beecroft Public School,Beecrof
8. Waitara Public School,Wahroonga
9. Chatswood Public School,Chatswood
10. Murray Farm Public School,Carlingford
1. Sydney Grammar School,男校,Darlinghurst>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
2. Abbotsleigh,女校,Wahroonga
3. St Aloysius' College,男校,Milsons Poin
4. Tara Anglican School for Girls,女校,North Parramatta
5. Meriden School,女校,Strathfield
6. Presbyterian Ladies' College,,女校,Croydon
7. SCEGGS, Darlinghurst,女校,Darlinghurst>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
8. Kambala,女校,Rose Bay
9. Pymble Ladies' College,女校,Pymble
10. The King's School,男校,North Parramatta
1. James Ruse Agricultural High School,Carlingford>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
2. North Sydney Girls High School,Crows Nest
3. North Sydney Boys High School,Crows Nest
4. Sydney Girls High School,Surry Hills
5. Baulkham Hills High School,Baulkham Hills
6. Sydney Boys High School,Surry Hills
7. Hornsby Girls High School,Hornsby>>>【去澳洲读中学留学移民-立即咨询】
8. Girraween High School,Girraween
9. Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus,North Curl Cur
10. Hurlstone Agricultural High School,Glenfield
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