Applying for colleges and universities is definitely a hard and tiring job. With competition everywhere, we are overwhelmed by pressure and come across setbacks and failures. Most of them are temporary, and we should learn to deal with them appropriately.
Here are some steps and tips from psychology experts to feel more comfortable when encountering setbacks:
For Prospective international students
1. Be Kind To Yourself
Remind yourself that it might take time for the stressful situation to resolve, and be patient. Some people are better at dealing with uncertainties than others, so don’t beat yourself up when your friends seem to be unaffected (they may be just more tolerable than you).
2.Reflect on Past Successes
Give yourself credit. Chances are you’ve overcome stressful events in the past – and you survived! Reflect on what you did during that event that was helpful, and what you might like to do differently this time.
3.Take Your Own Advice
Ask yourself: Do you deserve that score? Could you do better next time? Could you have worked harder? high quality essay writing service on www.lxws
4.Control What You Can
Establish routines to give your days and weeks some comforting structure: don't overburden yourself. Utilize the time you worry about things out of control to deal with things in control. Get out of the habit of ruminating on negative events.
For students overseas
Do you find it uncomfortable communicating in a different language every day? Are you homesick?
If yes, then the following article may be particularly practical for you.
Students overseas need to compromise between academic challenges and unfamiliarity with environment and culture backgrounds. There aren't really anyone to be responsible for them, but just themselves. Things are tough, huh? But we can help!
Seek support from those you trust. Asking for help is really important! Many people isolate themselves when they’re stressed or worried. But social support is important, so reach out to family and friends. As an international student, you could talk to a counselor or even your professor and ask them for help.
Develop new skills. Make a point to try things outside your comfort zone. For example, you could go to the gym on campus to work out, and make new friends at the same time.
Engage in self-care. Don’t let stress derail your healthy routines. Make efforts to eat well, exercise and get enough sleep. Many people find stress release in practices such as yoga and meditation. No matter how hard things are, you should always remember to love yourself.
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