Johns Hopkins University, MS in Finance (2道,必写)>>约翰霍普金斯大学申请条件
Business with humanity in mind means many things to different people. Please explain what business with humanity in mind means to you and how you will apply your knowledge, skills and abilities to advance this ideal over the next five years. You may elaborate on any past experience you have had which demonstrates your commitment and interest in this area (500 word maximum).
如果有留心JHU商学院的官网,可以发现“ business with humanity in mind ”是该学院的“个性签名”。Essay题目要求学生阐述自己对这一理念的想法,其实是考察申请人与学院理念匹配度的一种尝试。文案老师引导学生思考商业和人文关怀的联系,并进一步挖掘了学生在证券公司实习期间对于长生制药假疫苗事件的所见所闻,呈现了学生对于“ business with humanity in mind ”的深度思考,同时也带出了自己以往的相关经历。
Second Essay - Select 1 prompt in which to respond from list below for the second essay:
1.Business leaders have the ability to create opportunities, build products and systems, and inspire others to action. Please describe a time you created an opportunity, built a new product or system, or inspired others to act. The example you provide and elaborate upon may come from your professional endeavors, academic pursuits or civic engagements. (300-500 words)
2.Please tell us about a major accomplishment you have experienced in your professional or academic life. What did achieving this accomplishment teach you about yourself? (300-500 words).
3.Please identify a tough problem that you are committed to addressing as a future business leader. What role will you play in the solution? What skills and abilities do you have (or might you need to acquire) to tackle this task? (300-500 words)
4.Please provide any additional clarifying information that you wish to share with the Admissions committee regarding your academic record, personal history or professional attributes. (300-500 words).
5.What challenges you the most (i.e. area in need of improvement)? How have you worked to overcome this limitation? (300-500 words)
情境创设类的题目,需要先选择,然后结合自己的经历来定点回答相应的题目。要认真阅读题目本身关于情境的提示,因为写作灵感很大程度上来源于这些提示。学生选择了第一个prompt,分享了自己在某组织充当领导者的过程中,如何成功说服一个尝试脱离组织的成员回归团队,并且取得了这位成员的谅解与认可。学生所提供的素材是对事件的概括性陈述,在文案老师的引导下,补充了事件发展过程中的从因到果的细节,并且通过不同的细节表现学生的领导气质和“inspired others to act”。
University of Rochester, MS IN FINANCE(3道,2道必答,1道可选)>>罗切斯特大学热门专业介绍
Essay 1 (Required): In 250-500 words total, respond to the following prompts:
1.Describe your short-term and long-term goals for post-MBA or post-MS.
2.Given the fluctuation of economic and industry hiring trends, identify a back-up plan should your short-term goal not be immediately attainable.
3.How does your past education and experience support your career objectives?
4.Lastly, what aspects of your intended Simon Business School program make it a good choice for your graduate study?
未来职业规划是商科类Essay写作中很常见的问题,有的会直接问总体的职业规划,有的会划分为短期和长期,有的会将短期和长期的时间段用年数界定出来。如Fordham的Essay题目会有这样的提醒:Short term goals are considered 2 - 4 years after you have completed your MS degree and long term goals are considered 7 - 10 years after you have completed your MS degree。在回答职业规划的时候,文案老师会引导学生结合自己以往的学术背景、实习经历和所申请项目在职业辅导方面的优势。
Essay 2 (Required): In 25 words or less, provide us with an interesting fact about yourself not expressed elsewhere in your application. (25 word limit)
这类题目属于学院/项目的特色题目,不追求字数,但看重学生的创意/创新。在题型的独特性方面,类似于Duke 必写Essay的“25 Random Things About Yourself”。
Essay 3 (Optional): Share additional information you think is important in the evaluation of your application, including any concerns you think the Admissions Committee may have regarding your candidacy. (500 word limit)
这类可选的题目,没有特殊的情况可以不写。所谓的特殊情况,可以参考Fordham对于其optional essay的说明:Use this essay to share information that is not presented elsewhere in your application. For example, explanation of employment gaps, academic aberrations, quantitative abilities, improvements to your candidacy if you are a re-applicant.
Brandeis, Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance(3道,必做,2道写作,1道视频)
1.Essay (Required): What drove you to pursue a graduate program in international economics and finance? (500-750 words)
2.Short Answer (Required): What are your career goals? (200)
3.Video: Applicants must also submit a brief video responding to two questions posed by the Brandeis IBS community, as well as a written response to a third question. The Video Essay is a great way for the Admissions Committee to learn a little bit more about you. You will be prompted to complete the Video Essay once you have submitted your application.