1.MSc Human Resource Development (International Development)>>点击了解该专业详情
申请要求:“Applicants should have a Bachelors degree with a minimum classification of Second Class Honours, Upper Division (2:1) or its international equivalent. Admission of candidates who do not meet this criterion may be approved if satisfactory evidence of postgraduate study, research or professional experience can be provided. Please contact the School's admissions office for further guidance.”
这个HRD专业是开设在曼大环发学院下面的,或许不少小可爱都有了解过环发学院,不了解的小可爱可以自行百度一下,这个学院的全称是The School of Environment, Education and Development环境、教育与发展学院,这个学院下开设的专业很杂,各种各样你能想到的不能想到的都有,环发学院的口碑一直不算好,因为课程设置格外“轻松”,用网友们的话来说就是……很水,商科课程也不例外,比起曼大商学院的专业课程要轻松很多,但正因为课程不难,所以申请门槛才会比较低,有曼大情节并且不介意专业的小可爱可以研究一下这个学院下的专业,说不定能找到心头好。不过需要特别说明的是,曼大环发学院虽然申请要求不高,但也是卡list的,环发有一个自己的list,不在list内院校的学生基本也是不收的,注意这个list是学校自己的list,不是严格按照国内网排排名来卡院校背景的(我这边之前有网排500+的学生拿到曼大环发offer的,也有网排400+的学生被同一个专业拒掉的,这就是在list内和不在list内的区别),而且均分必须到80以上,不到80也是几乎没希望。
2.MSc Human Resource Management (International Development)>>点击了解该专业详情
申请要求:“Applications for the MSc Human Resource Management (International Development) are extremely competitive and, as places are limited, we give preference to those eligible applicants who best meet our selection criteria. When considering your application we will look at a number of factors. We will assess whether you meet our minimum entry requirements and, in addition, we will look at your individual academic performance within your class, the curriculum of the course you have studied and where you have studied. Please note if you meet our minimum entry requirements but due to the high demand for the programme we are unable to make you an offer immediately, you may be placed on a waiting list. Candidates on a waiting list will receive an offer only if places become available. Applicants should have a Bachelors degree with a minimum classification of Second Class Honours Upper Division (2:1) or its international equivalent. Admission of candidates who do not meet this criterion may be approved if satisfactory evidence of postgraduate study, research or professional experience can be provided. Work experience is preferable but not essential. Please contact the School's admissions office for further guidance.”
3.MSc Development Finance>>点击了解该专业详情
申请要求:“Applications for the MSc Development Finance are extremely competitive and, as places are limited, we give preference to those eligible applicants who best meet our selection criteria. When considering your application we will look at a number of factors. We will assess whether you meet our minimum entry requirements and, in addition, we will look at your individual academic performance within your class, the curriculum of the course you have studied and where you have studied. Please note if you meet our minimum entry requirements but due to the high demand for the programme we are unable to make you an offer immediately, you may be placed on a waiting list. Candidates on a waiting list will receive an offer only if places become available. Our minimum entry requirement is a Bachelor's degree with a minimum classification of Second Class Honours, Upper Division (2:1) in Economics or a related subject with 60% or above in economics and statistics modules or its international equivalent. Admission of candidates who do not meet this criterion may be approved if satisfactory evidence of postgraduate study, research or professional experience can be provided. Please contact the School's admissions office for further guidance.”;
4.MSc Commercial Project Management>>点击了解该专业详情
申请要求:“The academic entry requirement for this Master's programme is a minimum Second Class UK honour degree- preferably an Upper Second Class- or international equivalent in a relevant subject, such as the built environment, relevant engineering, science or management disciplines.”这个专业不是环发的了,不过也不是曼大商学院的(要知道曼大商学院是没有任何一个专业超好申的_(:з」∠)_),这个专业是开设在曼大工程学院下面的,申请要求相关专业背景,比如建筑、工程或者管理背景都行,我这边之前有个网排200+的双非,均分79拿到了这个专业的offer,但最后还是被学校con了80分,毕业刷到了80,开开心心换uncon飞曼城。专业背景符合要求的“非曼大不嫁”小朋友都来了解一下吧~
5.MSc International Fashion Marketing>>点击了解该专业详情
申请要求:“2.1 UK Honours degree or equivalent in marketing or a business related degree (dependant on modules), or an approved combination of educational qualifications and industrial experience.”,这个专业也是曼大比较热门的一个专业方向,毕竟综合排名靠前还开时尚管理的学校真的不多,申请会卡专业背景,要求marketing或者business背景,如果没有相关专业背景的话,有相关工作经历也行。相较于上面的专业来说,这个时尚管理专业就有点偏了,不过申倒是真的好申,不怎么卡本科院校背景,网排别太低,均分80以上,专业背景符合要求就行。
6.MSc International Fashion Retailing>>点击了解该专业详情
申请要求:“2.1 UK Honours degree or equivalent, or an approved combination of educational qualification and industrial experience. Applications from candidates with academic backgrounds in Marketing, Management, and Arts and Social Science (combinations of English, History, Languages, Politics, Psychology) related disciplines (minor or major) are particularly welcomed. Other academic backgrounds are also considered, including Fashion Management, Media, Culture and Society and other multi-disciplinary subjects that contain substantial management, marketing or social science content.”
- 1.适合你的申请时间和方案规划
- 2.匹配个人条件的软实力提升计划
- 3.目标院校和专业方向的选择建议