Categories类别:Business 商科
What it's about 专业介绍
This major teaches you how to plan, organize,lead and control the human, financial, and physical resources of an organization to achieve business goals. As a manager, you will be expected tomeet the many demands of your employer, your organizations internal and external customers, and society in general.
Is this for you 是否适合你?
You might like this major if you also like: working with people; starting and running a business; the Wall Street Journal;debating; organizing or leading a club or group activity; solving problems; taking risks; competing: sports; helping others to succeed.
Consider this major if youare good at: attentionto detail; critical reading/thinking; leadership; organizing; persuading/influencing; quantitative analysis; teamwork… or have… initiative; verbal skills.
Recommended high school prep 高中课程推荐
English 4, math 4(including pre-calculus), lab-science3, social studies 3, and a foreign language 2- 3. If available, take calculusand a computer course covering basic office applications and spreadsheets.
Did you know… 你知道吗?
…that this is by far the most popular major? That means you'll have lots of company and a wide choice of colleges that offer this major.
…that math skills are important for a business degree? Quantitative analysis is required for several areas of business, such as accounting, finance, and business statistics.
Typical courses in the major 该专业的经典课程
Accounting I, Il 会计I, Il
Business law 商业法
Economics 经济学
International trade and business 国际贸易与商业
Business finance 财务管理
Human resources 人力资源
Managing information technology 信息技术管理
Managerial communication 管理沟通
Principles of marketing 市场营销原理
Business statistics 商业统计
Production management 生产管理
Operations management 运营管理
Organizational design and developments 组织设计与发展
Leadership 领导力
Quality planning and improvement 质量计划与改进
Strategic formulation and implementation 战略制定及执行
Concentrations 特别事项
Accounting; entrepreneurship; finance; international business; leadership; marketing; organizational behavior; production operations management.
What the study of this major is like 专业学习特点
Few people can avoid management. One day, you will probably either be a manager or work for one. The business management and administration major prepares you to serve as an effective, responsible managerin business, government, or nonprofit sectors. Managers have both the opportunity and the duty to make a difference: receiving good service canreflect good management; an employee's unethical behavior can reflect poor management; and good managers make sure that organizations generate value for their stakeholders on a sustained basis.
In the major, you typically learn how to achieve goals by planning (defining goals and deciding how to achieve them), organizing (deciding what resources need to go where to best support the plan), leading (influencing people to work toward accomplishing goals), and controlling (monitoring progress toward achieving goals and adjusting initial plans as needed). You study how managers respond to the complex, ever-changing expectations of employees, bosses, customers, governments, the legal community, and society as a whole. Majors begin with basic courses in accounting, marketing, and finance.You then take specialized courses, such as organizational behavior, human resources management, supervisory skills, and international management. In your fourth year, you usually take a capstone course in business strategy or business policy; applying what you have learned, you explore the way anorganization interacts with the outside world and operates internally.
在这个专业,你通过学习计划(明确目标和决定如何实现),组织(决定如何配置资源支持计划),领导(影响人们去完成工作目标)和控制(监控目标进展并根据需要调整最初的计划) 来实现目标。你将研究管理者如何应对来自员工、老板、客户、政府、法律和社会的那些复杂的、不断变化的期望。专业的学习从会计、市场营销和金融这些基础课程开始,然后你学习专业领域课程,如组织行为学、人力资源管理、管理技能和国际化管理。在第四年,你通常会参加商业战略或商业政策领域的顶尖课程;应用所学到的知识去探索组织与外部世界交互和内部运营。
Most management programs offer internships, usually for asemester, to help you gain experience, learn about possible careers, and relate classroom learning to the workplace. Most internships award academic credit and require you to submit material to be graded. Some internships can lead to future job opportunities. Many colleges offer a semester abroad program that lets you practice your management skills in another country. Because the policies and practices of employees, customers, organizations, and their competitors can reflect positively or negatively on the society in which they are located, managers must understand the cultural expectations of their hostcountry.
Nevertheless, the objective of the major is to prepare you to lead others in an organization. Most management courses stimulate your persuasive and creative abilities--memorizing facts is generally not toppriority. Courses are typically taught through lectures, videos, case studies,and, perhaps, role-playing. Professors use case studies to develop your problem-solving and analytical skills, to teach you to defend ideas logically, and to push you to challenge the ideas of others. You analyze actual business problems, developrealistic responses, and present your recommendations to professors andclassmates. Working managers are often brought in to share their experiences.You use computers for spreadsheet programs, databases, and other programs that help you conduct statistical analysis, prepare financial projections, and do marketing research. If you choose this major, you should be ready to work hard.
Although most agree on a definition of general management,different colleges may have different emphases. Some programs take a quantitative approach and focus on decision-making techniques. Other programs mayemphasize a management function such as leadership or an area of general management, for example, human resource management or organizational behavior. Differences among programs are also reflected in their readiness to adapt to changes in the field. For example, supply chain management, project management, and entrepreneurship are emerging topics. Some programs will be relatively conservative in their approach to such topics, offering only a course or two at first, while others may develop new concentrations or even new majors.
Other majors you might like 你可能会喜欢的其他专业
Agribusiness operations 农业运营
Entrepreneurial studies 创业研究
Marketing 市场营销
International business 国际商业
Construction management 施工建筑管理
Emergency management/homeland security 应急管理/国土安全
Music management 音乐管理
Parks/recreational/leisure facilities management 公园/娱乐/休闲设施管理
E-commerce 电子商务
Public administration 公共管理
Economics 经济学
Nonprofit/public organization management 非营利机构/公共机构管理
Questions to ask colleges 可以向大学提问
Is the program c by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business? If so, the program has been examined for quality from a number of perspectives.
Are there internships or co-op programs available in this major?
Do companies recruit on campus?
Career options and trends 职业选择和趋势
Management trainee or assistant manager; sales or account representative; corporate executive; management consultant; franchise or small business owner; human resources specialist; systems analyst; financial analyst;venture capitalist.
The job outlook mirrors the economic times, but organizations are always looking for good managers. As the world of business grows more complex, risky, and global in scope, the need for professional managers increases. Job growth is projected to be steady, particularly in smaller companies specializing in specific industries or types of business functions.
An MBA is usually essential if you want to climb the corporate ladder, many well-known companies will help you obtain this advanced degree while you're working.
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