MS学位,即Master of Science in Statistics,也有的学校称之Master of Science in Applied Statistics。
部分院校会设置MA学位,旨在培养学生短期的统计技能,为将来的就业做准备,如果打算继续攻读博士学位的学生一般不建议考虑该学位。还有一些院校会有MAS学位,即Master of Applied Statistics),主要是强调统计的应用,倾向于毕业直接找工作的学生,与MA学位相似。
1、严格要求数学或者统计专业背景比如University of Washington华盛顿大学(统计专业排名第三),University of Southern California南加州大学等。
2、具备数学或者统计相关本科专业知识的任何专业,其中通常会要求修过一定学分的高等数学课程。比如微积分,线性代数,概率论与数理统计等。比如University of California-Los Angeles加州洛杉矶大学。
1 University of Chicago
MS in Statistics
The Department of Statistics offers an exciting and revamped graduate program that prepares students for cutting-edge interdisciplinary research in a wide variety of fields. The field of statistics has become a core component of research in the biological, physical, and social sciences, as well as in traditional computer science domains such as artificial intelligence. In light of this, the Department of Statistics is currently undergoing a major expansion of approximately ten new faculty into fields of Computational and Applied Mathematics. The massive increase in the data acquired, through scientific measurement on one hand and through web-based collection on the other, makes the development of statistical analysis and prediction methodologies more relevant than ever. Our graduate program aims to prepare students to address these issues through rigorous training in theory, methodology, and applications of statistics; rigorous training in scientific computation; and research projects in core methodology of statistics and computation as well as in a wide variety of interdisciplinary fields.
The Department of Statistics offers two tracks of graduate study, one leading to the Master of Science (M.S.) degree, the other to the Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.). The M.S. degree is a professional degree. Students who receive this degree are prepared for nonacademic careers in which the use of advanced statistical and computational methods is of central importance. The program also prepares students for possible further graduate study.
2 Columbia University
MA in Statistics
The Department of Statistics offers two renowned M.A. programs designed to prepare students for professional positions or doctoral programs in statistics and other quantitative-based fields. One is a traditional On-Campus MA program.? The other is a Hybrid Online/On-Campus Program, in a partially online format. Both programs may be completed full or part-time. Full-time students typically complete three semesters – fall and spring of Year 1 and fall of Year 2. Part-time domestic students must take a minimum of two courses per semester and complete the program within four years. Summer courses are also available.?
While the degree requirements for the Hybrid Online/On-Campus Program are similar to those of the regular On-Campus Program, four core courses are delivered online in the first fall semester offering students more flexibility in completing the M.A. degree. The remaining courses will then be completed on campus. The M.A. Hybrid students are only hybrid in the first semester of the program and then are completely integrated into the resident program after the first semester. The diploma and degree is identical for both the Hybrid and the Non-Hybrid entry students.?
3 Duke University
Master's in Statistical Science
The Department of Statistical Science admits students to graduate study leading to the Ph.D. degree in Statistical Science and the M.S. degree in Statistical Science.
The Ph.D. in Statistical Science offers thorough preparation in the foundations theory and methods of statistical science--emphasizing modern, stochastic model-based statistical science, and Bayesian and classical approaches to inference, predictive modeling, advanced computational statistics and interdisciplinary applications. Students work with some of the world leaders in research in Bayesian statistics, methodology of statistical science, statistical computing, machine learning and data science, and applications in many fields. Our Ph.D. graduates are strongly recruited for positions in leading academic departments and centers, as well as research positions in business, industry and government.
The M.S. in Statistical Science offers comprehensive education in modern statistical theory, methods and computation. Courses and project work emphasize stochastic model-based approaches to problems of inference and prediction, highlighting Bayesian and machine learning methods. Students develop skills and expertise in modeling complex and potentially massive data and advanced computational methods while gaining exposure to a broad range of application contexts. Our M.S. programs are attractive to students interested in professional careers in industry, business and government, as well as those interested in bridging to Ph.D. studies in statistics and related areas.
A hallmark of all Statistical Science programs is the integration of interdisciplinary applications into teaching and research at all levels, reflecting the department's broad and deep working relationships with many other disciplines (biomedical sciences, business, computational and data sciences, economics and finance, engineering sciences, environmental sciences, genomics and system biology, political and policy sciences, and others). The rich opportunities for students in interdisciplinary statistical research at Duke are complemented by departmental interconnections with industrial research laboratories, government agencies, and commercial and non-profit organizations both nationwide and worldwide.? These lead to opportunities for research travel and regular student internships, as well as follow-on research careers.? In addition, students have opportunities for collaborative research experiences at the US national Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) and National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) on a regular basis.
Applied Mathematics and Statistics M.A. and M.S.E.
The teaching and research programs of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics span modern applied mathematics.? The department’s curriculum in Probability/Statistics covers probability theory, stochastic processes, and applied and theoretical statistics. Its Operations Research/Optimization program includes continuous and discrete optimization, numerical optimization, network programming, and game theory. Its curriculum in Discrete Mathematics includes combinatorics, graph theory and cryptology and coding.? Its program in Scientific Computing includes computing, numerical analysis, matrix analysis, and mathematical modeling of systems.? The programs of the department together emphasize mathematical reasoning, mathematical modeling and computation, abstraction from the particular, innovative application of mathematics, and development of new methodology.
5 Cornell University
MPS in Applied Statistics
Our one-year MPS program in?Applied?Statistics readies students for careers in fields where modern data analysis?skills are highly coveted. Built on the three curriculum components of core courses, an in-depth statistical analysis project, and?elective?coursework, our program offers students the option to focus their graduate education in one of two areas: techniques of?applied?statistical analysis or data science, which?includes?high performance computing, databases and scripting.
Equipped with the essential and?foundational understanding of?statistical processes, our students join in a tradition of success, working in global?industries?in diverse fields ranging?from finance to survey analysis to biomedical research.
Option I?focuses on techniques of?Statistical Analysis.
Option II,?Data Science, which along with statistical techniques puts more emphasis on computer science than Option I, for example, high performance computing, databases, middleware, and scripting.
6 Rice University
MA in Statistics
The research interests of the faculty in the Department of Statistics cover a wide spectrum of topics in applied and theoretical statistics from engineering, natural sciences, business, medicine, and social sciences. Graduate students have the opportunity for rigorous training in computational and theoretical statistics as well as applied research in any of the above disciplines. The general Ph.D. program is flexible, allowing you the opportunity to design a program that interests you, provided that it fits with the strengths of the department.?The M.A. in Statistics is earned as part of working toward the Ph.D.
This summary is intended to give you an idea of the program requirements. The?Rice University General Announcements site is the definitive resource for program requirements.
Master of Arts in Statistics (M.A.)
Candidates for the M.A. degree in statistics must complete 30 semester hours of approved course work and must either complete an original thesis and defend it in a public oral examination or perform satisfactorily on the Ph.D. comprehensive examinations and complete a major project.?
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