专业概述:船舶与海洋工程专业(Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering)是船舶建造、船舶使用以及海运行业的重要支撑学科,主要培养从事船舶、水下运载器及各类海洋结构设计、研究、生产制造、检验及海洋开发技术经济分析的高级工程技术人才。
1.Ocean Engineering 海洋工程(几乎涵盖下面的内容)
2Offshore Engineering 海洋平台相关
3.Naval Architecture 船舶
4.Coastal Engineering海岸工程
5.Marine Technology 船舶技术(包括机构强度等等)
6.Maritime Engineering海事 驾驶等
密歇根安娜堡 :
申请学位:Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NAME)
NA 510 Marine Structural Mechanics
NA 512 Finite Element Methods in Solid and Structural Mechanics
NA 513 Defect Assessment for Marine Structures
NA 514 Fatigue of Structures
NA 520 Intermediate Marine Hydrodynamics
NA 523 Numerical Marine Hydrodynamics
NA 525 Drag Reduction Techniques
NA 531 Adaptive Control
NA 540 Marine Dynamics III
NA 551 Offshore Engineering I
NA 552 Offshore Engineering II
NA 562 Marine Systems Production Business Strategy and Operations Management
NA 568 Mobile Robotics: Methods and Algorithms
NA 570 Advanced Marine Design
NA 580 Optimization, Market Forecasts and Management of Marine Systems
NA 582 Reliability and Safety of Marine Systems
NA 590 Directed study, research, and special problems
NA 599 Special Topics in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
NA 620 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Marine Design
专业概述:Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings. Civil engineering is the oldest engineering discipline after military engineering, and it was defined to distinguish non-military engineering from military engineering. Civil engineering takes place on all levels: in the public sector from municipal through to national governments, and in the private sector from individual homeowners through to international companies.
1.Structure Engineering
2.geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering
3.transportation engineering
4. construction management and risk management
5.costal engineering building technology
6.hydraulic engineering, environemental engineering and water resources
7.pavements and railways and materials
加州大学伯克利分校 UCB:
Core courses
CE 250 Transportation Policy, Planning and Development
CE 251 Operation of Transportation Facilities
CE 252 Systems Analysis in Transportation
Transportation Engineering courses
CE 153 Design and Construction of Transportation Facilities
CE 155 Transportation Systems Engineering
CE 156 Infrastructure Planning and Management
CE 253 Intelligent Transportation Systems
CE 255 Highway Traffic Operations
CE 259 Public Transportation Systems
CE 260 Air Transportation
CE 263 Operations of Transportation Terminals
CE 290Z Selected Topics in Air Transportation
Transportation Systems Analysis Courses
CE 254 Transportation Economics
CE 258 Logistics
CE 261 Transportation Infrastructure Management
CE 262 Analysis of Transportation Data
CE 264 Behavioral Modeling for Engineering, Planning, and Policy Analysis
CE 290T Advanced Topics in Transportation Theory
(交通工程为例)1 year of college-level calculus
1 year of college-level physical science, including a physics course on mechanics and waves (e.g., Physics 7A)
1 semester engineering-level probability and statistics
Incoming students, including transfers to TE from within UCB, must take a TE's "Statistics/linear algebra diagnostic" at the beginning of their first semester in TE to determine if their linear algebra, and probability and statistics preparation is adequate (on a level similar to CE 93). The diagnostic does not emphasize memorization; rather, the 4-5 problems test whether the student can apply linear algebra and statistical concepts in solving simple transportation problems. If the student does not solve most of the problems easily or does not take the test, that student must enroll in CE 262 Analysis of Transportation Data during their first semester. This requirement cannot be deferred. Make sure a note has been place in your student file indicating how this requirement was satisfied. Students may remedy a lack of linear algebra knowledge by working through a suitable book, such as the Schaum's Outline Series.
See Sample Statistic/linear algebra diagnostic.
1 semester elementary linear algebra
专业概述:IE 是以工程技术为基础,配合科学原理的技巧来发现问题、解决问题、预防问题。它的最终目的是经由管理的运作,是企业能获得最大的收益,故而与成本或经济效益有关。
1.Project Management项目管理
2.Manufacturing, Production and Distribution制造、生产和分配
3.Supply Chain Management供应链管理
4.Productivity, Methods and Process Engineering生产力、方法和加工工程
5.Quality Measurement and Improvement质量检测与改进
6.Program Management程序管理
7.Ergonomics/Human Factors人因学
8.Technology Development and Transfer技术开发和转让
9.Strategic Planning战略规划
10.Management of Change变革管理
11.Financial Engineering金融工程
佐治亚理工 GIT:
申请学位:Industrial Engineering (MS)
Indust&Sys Engr ELective. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Probability With Apps. 3 Credit Hours.
Basic Statistical Meth. 3 Credit Hours.
Honors Probability. 3 Credit Hours.
Honors Statistics. 3 Credit Hours.
Research Assistantship. 1-12 Credit Hours.
Indust&Sys Engr Elective. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Special Topics. 1 Credit Hour.
Engineering Economy. 1 Credit Hour.
Methods-Quality Improve. 3 Credit Hours.
Simulation Analy & Dsgn. 3 Credit Hours.
Sply Chain Mod:Logistics. 3 Credit Hours.
Sply Chain Mod:Manf&Ware. 3 Credit Hours.
Engineering Optimization. 3 Credit Hours.
Statistics& Applications. 3 Credit Hours.
申请学位:Industrial Engineering (MSIE)
设置课程:Optimization Models and Methods (First term)
Supply Chain Management and Design* (First term)
Introduction to Probability and Statistics (First term)
Stochastic Models
Professional Development and Leadership
Operations Management (not offered)
选修课程:Students must take at least 18 points of graduate work in the IEOR Department (ie, courses with the following prefixes: IEOR, CSOR, ECIE, SIEO) and at least 30 at Columbia. Students can also take electives from various schools, such as Columbia Business School, the School of International and Public Affairs, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the Law School. Courses taken from the School of Professional Studies will not be counted towards your degree (ie, courses with the following prefixes: ACTU, BUSI, COPR, IKNS, SUMA, FUND, and more).
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