Creating a budget is surprisingly simple. At its most basic, you are determining the difference between your earnings and your expenses. You should aim to at least break even, but having some money left over at the end of each month is ideal.Your actual expenses will vary depending on your academic program as well as your choices of dining and housing options, travel, other personal expenses, etc.<<<2018麻省理工学院研究生申请专业,点击津桥在线专家咨询
MIT财政援助预算MIT Financial Aid Budget
If you need to borrow student loans from federal or private sources, those loans combined with any other sources of funding for your education may not exceed your cost of attendance for the academic year. The figures below are the standard amounts budgeted for most graduate students at MIT. These figures are for a 9 month academic year and would change based on actual enrollment. These numbers are informational only. To receive your budget for student loan eligibility, please follow the instructions under Applying for Aid.
如果您需要从联邦或私人来源借用学生贷款,这些贷款与其他任何资金来源相结合,可能不会超过您在学年的出勤费用。下面的数字是麻省理工学院大多数研究生预算的标准金额。这些数字是每学年9个月的相关费用,并会根据实际入学情况而变化。这些数字只是信息。要获得学生贷款资格的预算,请按照“ 申请援助”中的说明进行操作。
Tuition1: $49,580
Student activity fee: $312
Housing (on-campus)2: $15,750
Meals3: $5,300
Books & Supplies: $2,550
Personal Expenses4: $6,508
Transportation: $2,750
住房(校内): 15,750美元
书籍和用品: 2,550美元
个人开支: 6,508美元
1.Tuition amounts are set by the Registrar's Office and vary by academic program. Please confirm your tuition rate with your program directly. All graduate students in the Sloan School of Management are subject to a different base tuition rate than the figure listed above.
2.For information on actual housing options, please see the Housing Office’s website.
3.This is the budget figure suggested by Campus Dining for 32 weeks on campus per academic year.
4Our budget for personal expenses includes the full cost of health insurance for the student. Some form of hospital insurance is required by Massachusetts law. As part of the basic tuition fee, MIT provides the basic Student Medical Plan but also charges all students for the Student Extended Insurance Plan, which provides hospitalization coverage. However, students who can demonstrate that they already have comparable coverage under another insurance program are granted a waiver from the Student Extended Insurance Plan. There are additional charges for coverage of partners and dependents under both the Student Medical Plan and the Extended Student Insurance Plan. MIT Medicalmaintains a chart of rates for students and their families.
Once you have received your financial aid award, review the amount we are budgeting for each category. In most cases, we will not be able to increase any of the amounts listed. If you need more money in one category, you will need to reduce the amount you are spending in another.If you will be borrowing student loans, first determine how much you will need to borrow. If your rent is less than what we have budgeted, and you don’t believe you will need more than what we have budgeted for any other category, only borrow the amount you need instead of the full amount you are eligible for.
Income:Keep track of your various income sources. This may include wages from work, savings, gifts, or loans. Make sure to capture your net income, the amount you actually take home and not your gross income, your stated earnings before taxes are removed. Determine when your funds will hit your bank or student account. If you are borrowing loans, keep in mind that loan fees may slightly reduce the amount you will receive. Most student loans are split evenly between all terms you will be registered for in an academic year, and will be disbursed at the right time to make your semester payments, however you must be registered for the term first.
Totaling Your Budget:Total your costs and income to see if you have enough funds to cover your budget. If you’re in the red (over spending) you should go back and modify your budget and re-calculate. When making modifications, figure out what out-of-pocket expenses are needs and what are wants.If you have been able to break even, you have a realistic budget to follow. And if you have savings left over you can think about setting up an emergency fund or saving for your future.Make sure to stick to your predetermined spending. Developing good spending habits now will help you far into the future.
The budget we use to determine your financial need approximates the price of attending MIT for one year. Your actual costs will depend on a number of personal factors, including your housing and dining options, as well as other individual expenses. The majority of expenses incurred are billed through MIT. These can include tuition, the student life fee, health insurance (if you remain on the MIT plan), on-campus housing, dining plans or TechCASH. The remaining expenses are not billed through MIT, but are out-of-pocket purchases you make for books, supplies, personal expenses and travel.We do not change a student’s budget based on your individual expenses. Whether you end up spending more or less than our allowances, your financial need and financial aid award stay the same.Today, six out of every 10 students receive MIT need-based aid. The average price they pay for tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, board and other expenses is about $23,000—considerably lower than our published price of $67,430.Tuition & Fees
今天,每十名学生中就有六名获得麻省理工学院的需求援助。他们支付的学费、书本费用、生活用品费用、住房费用、董事会和其他费用的平均价格大约是23000美元,比我们公布的价格67430 美元低得多。
Your total Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is a combination of what we expect you and your family to contribute to your education for one year. We use a variation of the College Board's methodology to determine eligibility for MIT undergraduate scholarships. We use Federal Methodology to determine eligibility of federal student financial assistance for undergraduate students.
Part of your EFC is a dedicated student donation. For most college students, the standard contribution is expected to be $2,000 in summer.
The first $3,400 of your financial need is designated as self-help. You are expected to meet this amount through a combination of outside scholarships or grants (including Pell Grants), student loans or term-time work earnings. If your need is greater than $3,400, we award you an MIT scholarship.Many students easily make this amount by "UROPing" or doing research through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program. Although we encourage MIT students to consider term-time work in order to meet their self-help, some students prefer maximizing their student loan eligibility.
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