1. A copy of your identification document (e.g. HKID card / passport / National identity card / birth certificate)(护照或者身份证)
2. A copy of your visa / entry permit issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR Government (if applicable)(签证,如果有的话)
3. Academic transcript(s) issued by your high school / institution, showing your grades/examination results of the last two years(过去两年的成绩单)
4. National / International examination results# (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, GCSE, HKCEE/HKALE/HKDSE, including in the case of GCE AS-/A-Level, the Statement of Results which shows the numerical scores achieved)(全球统考成绩以及语言成绩)
5. Predicted grade for your upcoming examination issued by your school Reference(Preferred)(IB/A-LEVEL等预估成绩)
6. A referee's report or reference letter completed by your school principal or teacher, or by an academic referee (Sample of a referee's report: Word format / pdf format)(注意:香港大学的推荐信有具体格式要求)
7. Please indicate your reasons for applying to the University, the chosen curricula, extra-curricular activities, etc. in the space provided.
Please provide information which you feel will be of interest to the Admissions Tutors and will help them know you better, e.g. your reasons for applying to HKU, the chosen curricula, extra-curricular activities, participation in voluntary work, past working experience, career aspirations and other achievements. (maximum: 6000 characters, including punctuations and space)
8. Resume / Curriculum Vitae(Optional)个人简历
A summary of not more than two A4-size pages of your extra-curricular activities, personal achievements, working experience, and/or any other information in support of your application