

时间:2021-06-25 栏目:留学资讯 关注度:


MENG 的一年学位,分项分为:

Full-Time, 9 Month Program(一年时间)

Classes taught by top Berkeley Engineering faculty

Cross-disciplinary cohort and teams include students from multiple engineering departments

Completed in one academic year Fall and Spring only, 12 units each

Two leadership bootcamps, August and January

Small classes encourage interaction with students, teachers and industry collaborators

Networks are reinforced through career advising and placement, access to alumni industry connection access, and other services.



A:Advanced Energy Technology

Advanced Energy Technology  能源技术

Provides you with both technical and business foundations in energy engineering sciences and their potential applications in leading edge technologies, in fields such as advanced combustion, nanoscale energy conversion, and large scale renewable energy systems.

Coursework offerings vary year by year, and may include:

· Mech Eng 235 – Design of Microprocessor-Based Mechanical Systems

· Mech Eng 246 – Advanced Energy Conversion Principles

· Mech Eng 249 – Machine Learning Tools for Modeling Energy Transport and Conversion Processes

· Mech Eng 250A – Conductive and Radiative Transport

· Mech Eng 250B – Convective Transport and Computational Methods

· Mech Eng 254 – Thermodynamics

· Mech Eng 255 – Advanced Combustion Processes

· Mech Eng 258 – Heat Transfer with Phase Change

· Mech Eng 259 – Microscale Thermophysics and Heat Transfer

Aerospace Engineering (NEW)航空航天工程

Aerospace Engineering has seen exponential growth over the last decade spanning:

· Commercial Aircraft商用飞机

· Urban Air Mobility 空中交通

· Spacecrafts宇宙飞船

· Military Aircraft军用飞机

· Drones无人机

· Satellites卫星

· Telecommunications电信

· Supersonic flight低音飞行

This track provides you with both technical and business foundations in Aerospace Engineering and their potential applications in leading edge technologies.

Required Courses:

· ME2XX – Aerodynamics

· ME236U – Control and Dynamics of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Students must take at least two courses from the following list. Coursework offerings may vary year to year.

Highly recommended:

· ME260a – Advanced Fluid Mechanics

· ME285A – Continuum Mechanics

· Mech Eng 280A – Introduction to the Finite Element Method

· Mech Eng 263 – Turbulence

· Mech Eng 275 – Advanced Dynamics

· Mech Eng 287 – Introduction to Continuum Mechanics


· ME275 – Advanced Dynamics

· Mech Eng 227 – Mechanical Behavior of Composite Materials

· Mech Eng 273 – Linear Vibrations

· Mech Eng 277 – Nonlinear and Random Vibrations

· Mech Eng 282 – Theory of Elasticity

· Mech Eng 280B – Finite Element Methods in Nonlinear Continua

· Mech Eng 284 – Nonlinear Theory of Elasticity

· Mech Eng 289 – Theory of Shells

· Mech Eng 245 – Oceanic and Atmospheric Waves

· Mech Eng 255 – Advanced Combustion Processes

· Mech Eng C231A – Experiential Advanced Control Design I

· Mech Eng C231B – Experiential Advanced Control Design II

· Mech Eng 260B – Advanced Fluid Mechanics II

· Mech Eng 262 – Theory of Fluid Sheets and Fluid Jets

· Mech Eng 266 – Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics

· Eng 266A/B – Finite Diff. Meth. for Fluid Dynamics / Spectral Meth. for Fluid Dynamics


The Masters of Engineering (MEng) track in Biomechanical Engineering covers theories, methods, and practice of biomechanical engineering. Students will gain skills through biomechanics-focused courses, as well as through advanced courses in mechanics, materials, manufacturing and design. Courses will enable students to work on cutting edge biomechanical engineering grand challenges. Capstone projects bring biomechanical prowess to ongoing clinical needs. Students will also gain skills in verbal and oral communication and mentorship. Biomechanical students are expected to take four technical courses from the list below as well as a capstone experience course.

Coursework offerings vary year by year, and may include:


· Mech Eng C210 – Advanced Orthopedic Biomechanics

· Mech Eng C211 – The Cell as a Machine

· Mech Eng C213 – Fluid Mechanics of Biological Systems

· Mech Eng C214 – Advanced Tissue Mechanics

· Mech Eng C215 – Advanced Structural Aspects of Biomaterials

· Mech Eng C216 – Molecular Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of the Cell

· Mech Eng C223 – Polymer Engineering

· Mech Eng C225 – Deformation and Fracture of Engineering Materials

· Mech Eng 270 – Advanced Augmentation of Human Dexterity

· Mech Eng C278 – Advanced Designing for the Human Body

· Mech Eng 287 – Graduate Introduction to Continuum Mechanics

· Mech Eng 290L – Introduction to Nano-Biology

· Mech Eng 292A – Advanced Special Topics in Bioengineering

· Mech Eng C292C – Advanced Special Topics in Design: Designing an Upper Limb Prosthesis

Control of Robotic and Autonomous Systems (Formerly Experimental Advanced Control Systems Design)机器人和自助系统

The complexity of modern robotic and autonomous systems has grown exponentially in the past ten years. Today’s engineers are challenged by the task of  building high performance machines which: (1) are safe despite the uncertainty of the environment they operate in; (2) are able to interact with humans; and (3) effectively use data, local embedded control platforms and distributed cloud computing. You will gain experience on state of the art control systems design and implementation for such modern and highly complex systems. This concentration immerses you in the design and application of advanced controls systems, with numerous cutting edge applications such as self-driving cars, drones, aerospace systems, and robotics for manufacturing and human assistance.

Coursework offerings vary year by year, and may include:


· Mech Eng C231A – Experiential Advanced Control Design I

· Mech Eng C231B – Experiential Advanced Control Design II

· Mech Eng C232 – Advanced Control Systems I

· Mech Eng 233 – Advanced Control Systems II

· Mech Eng 235 – Design of Microprocessor-Based Mechanical Systems

· Mech Eng 237 – Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems

· Mech Eng 292B – Advanced Special Topics in Controls: Control and Dynamics of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

· Mech Eng 292B – Advanced Special Topics in Controls: Feedback Control of Legged Robots

Fluids and Ocean (NEW)流体力学(海洋)

This track provides graduates with a firm foundation in analytical, computational, and experimental essentials of fluid dynamics. Research activities span the Reynolds number range from creeping flows to planetary phenomena. Topics of current study include suspension mechanics, dynamics of phase changes (in engineering and in geophysical flows), earth mantle dynamics, interfacial phenomena, non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, biofluid mechanics, vascular flows, chaotic mixing and transport of scalars, bubble dynamics, environmental fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, vortex dynamics and breakdown, aircraft wake vortices, rotating flows, stability and transition, chaos, turbulence, shock dynamics, sonoluminescence, sonochemistry, reacting flows, planetary atmospheres, ship waves, internal waves, and nonlinear wave-vorticity interaction. One key application area is Ocean Engineering, which involves the development, design, and analysis of man-made systems that can operate in the offshore or coastal environment. Such systems may be used for transportation, recreation, fisheries, extraction of petroleum or other minerals, and recovery of thermal or wave energy, among others. Some systems are bottom-mounted, particularly those in shallower depths; others are mobile, as in the case of ships, submersibles, or floating drill rigs. All systems should be designed to withstand a hostile environment (wind, waves, currents, ice) and to operate efficiently while staying environmentally friendly.

Coursework offerings vary year by year, and may include:


· Mech Eng 163 – Aerodynamics

· Mech Eng 165/242 – Ocean-Environment Mechanics

· Mech Eng 167 – Microscale Fluid Mechanics

· Mech Eng 168/292K – Mechanics of Offshore Systems

· Mech Eng C213 – Fluid Mechanics of Biological Systems

· Mech Eng 241 – Marine Hydrodynamics

· Mech Eng 245 – Oceanic and Atmospheric Waves

· Mech Eng 260A/B – Advanced Fluid Mechanics I / Advanced Fluid Mechanics II

· Mech Eng 262 – Hydrodynamic Stability and Instability

· Mech Eng 263 – Turbulence

· Mech Eng 266 – Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics

· Eng 266A/B – Finite Diff. Meth. for Fluid Dynamics / Spectral Meth. for Fluid Dynamics

· E 266B – Computational Fluid Dynamics

· Mech Eng C268/Chem Eng C268 – Physicochemical Hydrodynamics

· Mech Eng 290C – Vortex Dynamics

· Mech Eng 292K – Advanced Measurements for Ocean Engineering and Fluid Dynamics











  • 1.适合你的申请时间和方案规划
  • 2.匹配个人条件的软实力提升计划
  • 3.目标院校和专业方向的选择建议





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